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What is a DigiWallet Merchant?
A DigiWallet Merchant provides “A New Way to Pay” to customers who use DigiWallet. Customers no longer need physical cards or cash to make payments to Merchants who accept DigiWallet as a form of payment. DigiWallet allows customers to easily and securely pay for goods or services.
Business Name | Merchant ID | Address |
1st Klass Catering | 1915 | Online |
88 Shopping Center | 1533 | Cor. Central American Boulevard & Neil’s Penn Road |
501 Properties Ltd | 1012 | 1.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
501 Signature Promotion | 2285 | 2429 Palm Grove Estate |
A & S Beautyy and Spa | 2470 | 7112 Pelican Street |
A1 Beautician | 2025 | 14 4th Street King Spark |
ABC Community Nursing Services | 1680 | Mobile |
ABC Solutions Belize DBA A1 Courier Service Belize | 2403 | 4 Eleanor Usher Street |
A C Enterprise Cosmos | 1597 | 7 Orange Street |
A and E Mini Market | 2112 | 65 Freetown Road |
A and U Snack Shop | 2557 | Barrack Road (Inside Icon Building) |
Abraham Hair Moda | 1355 | 3679 Blue Marlin Blvd |
Admirals Place | 1192 | Municipal Airstrip |
Advance Dental Care Belize | 2467 | 7 St. Thomas Street |
Agua Magica | 1301 | 2.5 Miles Philip Goldson Highway |
Afta Owas | 1421 | 4107 Flamboyant Street |
Ailyanis | 1250 | Orange Street |
Allan Di Real McCoy Saxophone Musician | 2179 | 3 Miles George Price Highway |
Amaney OO Fast Food | 1006 | 27 Freetown Road |
Amin Super Market | 2154 | 44 Queen Street, Belize City |
Amjay Nails | 2026 | 126 East Collect Canal |
Antojitos La Casita | 1419 | 5 Coney Drive |
Anson Snacks | 1363 | 5 Princess Margaret Drive |
Ashlee’s Baked Creation | 1041 | 23 Albert Street Est |
Athanee Creative Touch | 1360 | 6929 Electric Avenue |
Autism Belize | 1286 | 3.5 Miles Philip Goldson Highway |
Baaba Jack | 2165 | 7 George Street, Belize City Belize |
Baeza’s Tacos | 1451 | Coney Drive |
Baked Artisan Bakery | 1492 | Cor. H & 17 Street, Kings Park |
B and H Shop and Fast Food | 1361 | 6636 Mahogany Street |
Bakeology by Bakeaholic | 1441 | 1308 Crown Cone Ave |
Batted and Baked | 1203 | Gabourel Lane |
Belama Best Buy | 1569 | Juliet Soberanis Street |
Belize Auto Traders | 1417 | 1 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
Belize Chamber of Commerce | 1521 | 4792 Coney Drive |
Belize City Tacos | 2475 | Mahogany Street |
Belize Dry Cleaners | 1872 | 3 Dolphin Street |
Belize Inna Cup | 1477 | No.4 6th Street Kings Park |
Belize Tourism Board | 1500 | 64 Regent Street, Belize City |
Belize Vision Center | 1388 | 9 Daly Street |
Big Pipple Pawty | 2062 | Online |
Birds Isle Restaurant | 1041 | 90 Albert Street |
Bleu By Einar Marin | 1058 | 1048 Bachelors Avenue |
Blue Check Barbershop | 1678 | 3 A Queen Street |
Bradley’s Backyard BBQ | 1009 | Newtown Barracks |
Bricks and Books Ltd. | 2465 | 17 Regent Street, Belize City |
Brooklyn N Cali | 2270 | 12 Daly Street |
Browns Auto Service | 1675 | 6 Pitter Street |
Buckey’s Coffee & Gift Shop | 1154 | New Road |
C and K Supermarket | 1439 | 16 Jasmine Street |
Caribbean Sprinter Limited | 2313 | 10 North Front Street, Belize City |
Carlos Café Express | 2416 | 25 Daly Street |
Carry On | 1747 | 27 Albert Street |
Cellular World (Queen Street) | 1351 | 53 Queen Street |
Cellular World (Albert Street) | 1351 | Albert Street |
Central Bites | 1353 | Central American Boulevard |
Centennial Belize Limited | 1538 | 1 North Front Street |
Central Drug Store | 1252 | 1 Market Square |
Ceviche Express | 1236 | Cor. St. Thomas & Don Street |
Cevicheria Amiga Restaurant | 1742 | #33 Zericote Street |
Celebrity Resturant and Bar | 1032 | Marine Parade Blvd. |
Cheeks | 1747 | 27 Albert Street |
Chef Roger | 1004 | 1637 Spain Avenue |
Chiffs Deli | 1931 | 2 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway (Publics Deli) |
CK Girls | 2442 | 113 Cemetery Road, Belize City |
Clean Choice | 2123 | 3 Calle Al Mar, Belize City |
Chon Saan Palace | 8888 | Kelly Street |
Cielo Creative Studio and Media | 1002 | 98 Princess Margaret Drive |
Cork Street Whiskey Bar | 1529 | 19 Cork Street |
Cosmic Pharmacy | 2120 | 41 Holy Emmanuel Avenue, Belize City |
Creation Cuts | 1892 | 100 North Front Street |
Culture Apparel | 1534 | 93 Poinsettia St |
C.Y. Music | 2027 | 13 West Collect Canal |
D Barber | 2028 | 126 East collect Canal |
D an D Diner | 1423 | 5542 Leslie Street |
D & M Wholesale and Retail | 1556 | 1095 McVille Road |
Da Buzz Restaurant | 1195 | Phillip Goldson Highway |
Dainty Cakes By Caricia King | 2136 | 108 East Windmill Area, Hattiville |
Dave AC World | 2111 | Chetumal Street |
Daphne’s Lagoon Lodge | 1682 | Northern Lagoon |
Darios Meatpie | 1389 | 33 Hydes Lane |
Dawson’s Consulting Services | 2596 | 5529 St. Thomas Street |
DB Towers | 2113 | Chetumal Street |
Dessa Closet | 2029 | 68 Corner Cemetery Road & Dolphin Street |
D Tech | 2023 | 150 East Collet Canal |
Diaz Engineering Solutions | 2020 | 9174 M & Y Street |
Di Bruwry | 1530 | Old Airport Road |
Digi Store – Mirab | 1102 | Mirab Store, Phillip Goldson Highway |
Digi Store – Regent Street | 1101 | Regent Street |
Digital Learning and Pedological Solutions Ltd | 2546 | Online |
Dit’s Restaurant | 1526 | 50 Kings Street |
Don Ceviche | 1122 | Bliss Light House |
Doonys Ltd | 1067 | Albert Street |
Dot Box Donuts | 1528 | 29A Baymen Avenue |
Dr. Rosella Cuellar’s Dental Clinic | 2241 | Dr. Rosella Cuellar’s Dental Clinic |
Dream Nail and Hair Salon | 2244 | 4 Hopkins Street, Kings Park Area, Belize City |
EAL Imports | 1648 | 2511 Sir Sandy Hunter Street |
Ease Technology | 1681 | 3874 Coral Grove |
Elrhy’s Cool Place | 1426 | 193 Neal Pen Road |
Empire Entertainment | 1506 | 1095 Meville Road |
Eric Supermarket | 1870 | 4 Bachelor Avenue |
Eve Secrets | 1099 | 20 Freetown Road |
Everything Elsy | 1762 | Online |
Eye Candy | 2121 | 92 Barrack Road, Belize City |
Fabulash and Brow Beautique | 1449 | 4 ½ Miles, Phillip Goldson Highway |
Face & Body Painting Belize | 2168 | 5.5 Miles George Price Highway |
Fashion Magnet | 2030 | 126 East Collect Canal |
Fashion On The Go | 2031 | Albert Avenue, Belama Phase 1 |
Father and Son Computers and Bike Shop | 2374 | 25 Daly Street |
Favourite Restaurant and Grocery Shop | 2243 | 38 Central American Blvd, Belize City |
Fede Estverne Photography | 1532 | 1222 Blue Marlin Boulevard |
Ferguson Digital Images | 2114 | 34 Partridge Street, Belize City |
Filter Pure Solutions | 2482 | 1061 Durgeon Drive |
Fine Taste | 1152 | Marine Parade Blvd. |
First Down Electronics | 1578 | 5993 Campus Avenue |
Flawless Nails By Dede | 2166 | 50 King Street, Belize City |
Flavaz Deck N Grill | 1550 | Flavaz Deck N Grill |
FlavourFizz Shack | 1992 | Mobile |
Flo’s Pristine Services | 2455 | “Nutmeg Street “ |
Flor A Sol Flowers | 1238 | 16th Street |
Four Sqaure | 1316 | Phillip Goldson Highway |
Free Town Drug Store | 1016 | 28 Freetown Drug Store |
Frisky Little Business | 1069 | Online |
Frozen (Belize City) | 1242 | Buttonwood Bay Boulevard |
Fultec Systems Ltd. | 1030 | 831 Coney Drive |
Galaxy Kids | 1254 | 9 Orange Street |
Gen Cleaners | 2172 | 7 Coney Drive |
Genisis Fashion | 2032 | 24 B 6th Street |
Godwin Moody Computer | 1684 | 303 Chetumal Street |
Go Wireless (PGHW) | 1196 | Phillip Goldson Highway |
Go Wireless (West Collet Canal) | 1199 | West Collet Canal |
Golden Bay | 1194 | Marine Parade Blvd. |
Golden Sky Store | 1186 | 32 Cemetery Road |
Gordito Drap Off | 2157 | Warrior Street |
Glo Recuitment and HR | 1586 | 2930 Rivero Street |
Global Leadership Network | 1552 | 30 Newtown Barracks |
Good Care Pharmacy | 1599 | 104 Cemetery Road |
GS-COM | 1657 | 8 Baymen Avenue |
Gwens Kitchen 2 | 1288 | Coney Drive |
H & R Trucking and Detailing | 1416 | 8 Jimmy Dyer Street |
Hair By Indy | 2033 | 126 East collect Canal |
Hangers Clothing | 2126 | 17 Orange Street, Belize City |
Hano Coffee | 1042 | 3674 Blue Marlin Blvd. |
HeyAbbz | 1911 | Online |
Health and Fitness 2000 | 1573 | 1442 Coney Drive, Belize City |
Everything Lexis | 1364 | 54 Euphrates Avenue |
Holly Corner | 1354 | Downtown Plaza Unit G |
Hook Up 2 | 1625 | 3680 University Boulevard |
Hoy Eye Center | 1072 | Cor. St Thomas and St. Joseph Street |
ILOVEGRAZINGBOARDS | 1804 | 5534 Leslie Avenue, Belize City |
Jadore Belize | 1150 | Online |
J and K Colors Icecream | 1334 | 6121 Seashore Drive |
J and W Shopping Mart | 1090 | 22 6th Street |
James Brodie & Co Ltd (Phillip Goldson HighWay) | 1201 | Mile 2 1/2 Philip Goldson Hwy (Northern Highway) |
James Brodie & Co Ltd (Albert Street) | 1201 | Albert Street |
James Shopping Center | 1136 | New Town Barracks |
Jannat Koyes Store | 2034 | 23 Wood Street |
JaVic Solutions Limited | 1871 | 4.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
JB s Auto Care & General Cleaning Services | 2134 | 127 Barrack Road, Belize City |
Jennells Trucking Company Ltd | 2132 | 5 1/2 Miles George Price Highway |
Jevons Fruits Nuts and Wines | 2003 | 16 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway, Sandhill |
Joes Meat Shop Bze City | 1121 | Central American Blvd. |
Jo Jo Restaurant | 2478 | 5922 St. Thomas Street |
Julian Leslie | 2303 | 55 Mahogany Street, Belize City |
Jus Roll | 1390 | Mobile Food Truck |
Kandles by Kay | 1470 | 11 C Street |
KC’s Grab and Go | 2220 | Booth 425, BTL Park, Barrack Road, Belize City |
Kenia’s Meat Shop | 2158 | 551 Buttonwood bay |
KFC Cetering | 1485 | 35 Amara Avenue |
King Cutz | 1017 | Northern Shops, Phillip Goldson Highway |
King’s Tattoo Studio | 2459 | 4334 Faber’s Road Extension |
Kim’s Grab And GO | 2304 | 55 Mahogany Street, Belize City |
Kisses | 2035 | 27 Albert Street |
Khy’s Kreamy Kreation | 1576 | 21 Mex Avenue |
Krazzy Kups | 1249 | Northern Shops, Phillip Goldson Highway |
KSR Cyber Security | 1991 | Online |
Ladyville Highlights | 2036 | Red Bell Street |
Lani | 1896 | 91 North Front Street |
L Castillo Garage | 1237 | Electric Avenue |
La Chic Melange | 2175 | 12 Douglas Jones Street Belize City |
Lagom Terrace | 1155 | Hopkins Street |
Lanza’s Property Maintenance | 2124 | Isabella Bank |
La Vita E Bella Wax Studio | 2110 | Young Street |
Le Tarian | 2425 | C & Downtown Palaza |
Little Farmhouse Soaps | 1650 | Online |
Live To Eat | 2142 | 5 Juliet Soberanis Street, Belize City |
Lila Love Massage And Body Care | 1523 | 78 Freetown Road |
Little Johns Corner | 1097 | 24 Landivar Street |
Lucky Star 2 | 1064 | 83 Central American Boulevard |
Lyndon Peters Auto | 2476 | Coney Drive |
Madisco Company Limited | 2368 | 5 Cleghorn Street, Belize City |
Magic Boutique | 1596 | 20 Blue Marlin Boulevard |
Magic Fingers | 1240 | Cemetery Road |
Mahi Beauty Salon | 2127 | 36 Church Street, Belize City |
Mama Fide Restaurant and Bar | 2284 | 3862 Coney Drive |
Mama Rosa | 1124 | 359 Mateo Ayuso Street |
Mapp Street Market Place | 1525 | 2 Mapp Street |
Marele Import | 2055 | Pound Yard Business Plaza |
Mars Distributors | 1889 | 3 Vernon Street |
Mary’s BBQ & Tacos | 1493 | Philip Goldson Highway |
Matus Medical Supplies Good Care | 1601 | 6 St. Thomas Street |
Mayas Electronics Limited | 1587 | 36 Queen Street |
Maya Sew and So | 1123 | Albert Street |
Mega Printing | 2310 | Boost Cresent |
Meal Prep | 1712 | 27 Albert Street |
Mclean Insurance Brokers and Risk | 1091 | 25 3rd St Kings Park Area |
Meat Supply Butchery | 1317 | 5552 Baymen Ave |
Meraki Beauty Point | 1039 | 53 Prince Street |
Mendez Dermatology and Aesthetics Company Ltd | 2125 | 1234 Sunray Ave, Belize City |
Mia’s Mini Market | 1928 | Holy Emmanuel Street |
Mid-Town Grocery Store | 1438 | 63 Albert Street |
Midtown Restaurant & Bar | 1128 | New Town Barracks |
Mikado Textile Store | 1185 | Albert Street |
Milani’s Place | 1197 | Albert Street |
Miss Debs | 1344 | Mobile Food Truck |
Miss Den’s Food Galore | 1365 | No.1 St. Thomas Street |
MNG Jewelry Galore | 1676 | 40 Amara Avenue |
Moorish Food and Beverages Vendors MGG | 2018 | Princess Margaret Drive, Belize City, Belize |
Moon Grocery | 1461 | 1743 Coney Drive |
Multimedia Services (Shell Gas Station) | 2540 | 2 1/2 Miles Gas Station |
M Shop | 2051 | 2.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
My Bites Bz | 2433 | 5 Cleghorn Street |
Nail’d It | 1442 | 5765 Meighan Avenue |
Nana’s Playland Limited | 2268 | 2495 Chetumal Street, Belize City |
Nari Self Care | 1539 | 8002 La Croix Blvd |
Natural Choice Belize | 2155 | 8 Independence Drive, Button Wood Bay, Belize City |
Natural Vibes | 1964 | 16 Hudson Street, Belize City |
Nephelines Kitchen | 2460 | 4335 Faber’s Road Extension |
New Road Supermarket | 1153 | New Road |
New Face Latinos Barber Shop | 2219 | 5759 Calle Al Mar, Belize City |
Nice Products | 2452 | 6202 Park Avenue, Button Wood Bay |
No Fear Promotions | 1225 | Coffin Street |
Novelo’s Cosmetic and Consultation | 2373 | 43 Hydes Lane, Belize City, Belize District |
Now and Forever | 1352 | Downtown Plaza Unit H |
Od’s Fashion and Beauty Supplies | 1939 | 28A Freetown Road |
Oilalah Beauty Belize | 2058 | 29 Albert Street |
Oltsil Day Spa | 1555 | 173 Juliet Soberanis Street |
Om Shanti Belize A Center For Yoga and Wellness | 2471 | Belize City |
One Med Virtual Clinic | 1443 | 9 ¾ Miles, Phillip Goldson Hwy |
One South Place | 2458 | 1 South Street, Belize City |
Oxygen Boutique | 1893 | Freetown Road |
Palomo’s Dental Center | 2174 | Cor. St. Thomas and St. Joseph Street, Belize City |
Pandy’s Barber Shop | 2053 | 65 Cemetery Road, Belize City |
Petunia On The Go | 2466 | Old Belize, 5 1/2 Miles George Price Highway |
Phoenix Boutique | 1882 | 2622 Mercy Lane |
Pills Pharmacy | 1375 | 185 Albert Hoy Ave |
Pizza and Wings | 1800 | 9 Barracuda Street |
Poor And Famous Culture Club | 2159 | 194 Racoon Street, Belize City |
Pretty Smokey | 2404 | 1756 Coney Drive |
Print Flex | 2052 | 126 East Collect Canal |
Print Shop JK | 1191 | 27 Albert Street Unit C14 |
Puma Roundabout Service Station | 1207 | Corner George Price Highway & Fabers Road |
Queens Grab and Go Co Ltd | 1806 | 6195 Button Wood Bay |
RF&G Insurance Company Limited | 1427 | No.1 Coney Drive |
Rakhi’s Salon Studio | 1677 | 63 Albert Street |
Rali’s Takeout | 1227 | 69 Albert Hoy Ave. |
Road Runnaz Courier Service | 1912 | Mobile Service |
Rosh’s Stuffed Jalapenos | 2016 | 4214 Fern Lane, Belize City |
Roje Group Medical Supplies and Equipment | 1320 | 128 Regent St |
S.A.J.A’s Lunchbox & Caterings | 1489 | 7535 Rio Grande Crescent |
S Cambranes and Sons | 1084 | 13 Freetown Road |
Safe Way Drugs Store | 1387 | 45 Central American Blvd |
SAFE | 1315 | 2.5 Phillip Goldson Highway |
SAVE U Supermarket | 2278 | Belcan Bridge |
San Pedro Belize Express Water Taxi Limited | 2510 | 111 North Front Street, Belize City, Belize |
Sai Bodega | 1335 | 32 6th Street |
Sams Mini Mart | 1239 | 90 West Collet Canal |
Sangria Mia | 1098 | 55 Chetumal Street |
Santo Tacos | 1005 | Northern Shops, Phillip Goldson Highway |
Sea Shore Store | 1314 | 2.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
Second Closet | 1969 | 101 Freetown Road |
Secret Garden Restaurant | 2423 | 5 Cork Street, Belize City |
Selina’s Merchandise | 2556 | Online |
Selly Boutique | 1251 | East Collet Canal |
Senor Coconut | 1929 | 96 Barrack Road, Belize City |
Shanice Beauty Lounge | 2242 | 3 Barrack Road, Belize City |
Shalom Fashion | 1010 | Downtown Plaza, Albert St. |
Sherms Village Gyal Diner | 1465 | Freetown Road |
Shining Star | 1255 | Orange Street |
Signature Deck | 1202 | Farmers Market |
Simmons Grill | 1075 | 267 Mantaray Boulevard |
Simon Quan & Co. Ltd. | 1228 | Queen Street |
Siir Billionaire Holdings Co Ltd | 1386 | Phillip Goldson Highway |
SLD Law Office | 2119 | 109 Cemetery Road |
Smok’D | 1095 | 46 North Front Street |
Smithy’s Natural Blend | 1487 | 11 Lakeview Street |
Smokeez Seaside Restaurant & Bar | 1473 | 63 Seashore Drive |
Social Lounge | 1151 | Phillip Goldson Highway |
Southern Queens | 1746 | Online |
South Side Mini Mart | 1749 | 23 Albert Street Est |
Starhall Jusco | 1096 | 2557 Central American Blvd |
Start Fresh Skin Care | 2300 | 9.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
Step By Step Daycare | 2240 | 1517 Pride Avenue, Belize City |
Stinging Scorpio Body Piercing | 2122 | 112 Barrack Road, Belize City |
Stuarts Courier Service | 1130 | Madam Liz Ave. |
Sugar Fix Bakery | 1025 | Heusner Crescent |
Sugar Fix On the Go | 1003 | Chetumal Street |
Sumana Store | 2019 | 35 Fabers Road |
SUN LED Services | 1572 | 6522 Central American Blvd |
Tacos Don Carlos (Belize City) | 1206 | Corner St. Thomas St. & Freetown Road |
Taka Kitchen | 2041 | 1 Corner of Hutson Street & Marine Parade |
Techlizean | 2042 | 270 Bella Vista |
The Butchery Counter | 1318 | Pound Yard Plaza, W Collet St |
The Beauty Room Salon | 2043 | 19 Orange Street |
The Dream Barber Shop | 2044 | 95 Cemetery Road |
The Fine Taste | 1152 | Cr. Hudson Street and, Marine Parade Blvd |
The Great Fella | 1460 | 7006 Antelope Street Ext |
The ILS Phoenix | 1651 | 8251 Ivor Street |
The Jewelry Hub | 1717 | 9.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
The Phoenix Boutique | 1882 | 2622 Mercy Lane |
The Pit Stop (Belize City) | 1359 | 5944 Buttonwood Bay Boulevard |
The Stationery House Retail Outlet Ltd. | 1673 | 6 Slaugherhouse Road |
The Tavern | 1531 | 2 Mapp Street |
The Whisk | 1469 | 11 C Street |
Thirsty Thursday | 1129 | New Town Barracks |
Tong Hay Tuen Fast Food | 1077 | 28 A Baymen Avenue |
Tonys Store | 1089 | Daly Street |
Toto’s | 1598 | 15 George Street |
Tow Tow Grocery | 1085 | 6772 Mahogany Street |
Travellers Liquor | 1217 | Phillip Goldson Highway |
Tropicana 1 | 1558 | 33 Albert Street |
T-Shirt Factory | 1577 | 2.5 Miles Philip Goldson Highway |
Twin Supermarket | 1559 | 5526 St. Thomas Street |
Un Shop | 1595 | 12 D Street Kings Park Area |
UNO Gas Station (Phillip Goldson Highway) | 1015 | 1.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
U.S Store | 2054 | 77 Cemetery Road |
Usher’s Footlocker | 2156 | 11 Barrack Road, Belize City |
Val U Med | 1679 | 2613 Princess Margaret Drive |
Vansen’s Restaurant | 2372 | Booth 19 BTL Park, Barrack Road |
Vargas Fast Food | 1527 | 3 Mile Phillip Goldson Highway |
VCM Link Bz | 2180 | 12 Simon Lamb Street, Kings Park |
Vin Fa Shopping Center | 1603 | 93 Cemetery Road |
Vino Tinto | 1198 | Marine Parade Blvd. |
VIP Online | 2173 | Online |
Wash and Fold | 1802 | 186 Albert Hoy Avenue |
Wellworth Store | 1253 | Regent Street |
Wendy’s Fast Food | 1376 | 3302A Coney Drive Coral Grove |
William Quan and Co. Ltd. | 1674 | 17 Albert Street |
Williams Supermarket 2 | 1079 | 26 Central American Boulevard |
Wilmac’s Pharmacy | 1602 | 121 Cemetery Road |
Wine Time | 1592 | 45 Cran Street |
Wolfe Auto | 1020 | 3 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
Yasin Store | 2547 | Cemetery Road (Pound Yard) |
Yogo Bean (Philip Goldson Highway) | 1204 | Phillip Goldson Highway |
Youngs Automotive | 1391 | 1752 Coney Drive |
Zen Multi Services | 1273 | Gill Street |
1st Choice Electrical | 1425 | 4 Young Bank, Ladyville |
24/7 Gas station | 1336 | Lord’s Bank |
Abi-Su’s Meats & Plus | 1895 | 115 Crab Catcher, Ladyville Village |
Alpha Technology | 2456 | 61 Old Well Road, Lords bank |
Belize Spring Fresh Products | 2432 | 60 Al tun H Street, Lords Bank |
Black Orchid Resort | 1272 | Burrell Boom |
Brew Coffee House | 1156 | Unit 3, Mile 10 Philip Goldson Hwy Teichroeb Building, Ladyville |
Buccanners Tavern | 1100 | Old Airport Road, Ladyville |
Burrell Boom Pharmacy | 1267 | Y Avenue, Burrell Boom Village |
Caribbean Shrimp Restaurant | 1193 | 100 Marage Road, Ladyville |
Courier Kings | 1330 | 259 Los Lagos |
CT Mart | 2131 | 8 Miles George Price Highway |
D & R Grocery & Fast Food | 2337 | 22 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
Dalla Wings | 1932 | 98 Poinsettia Street, Ladyville Village |
Deb’s Trinket Box | 2161 | Vista Del Mar |
Digi Store – Ladyville | 1103 | Old Airport Road |
DsolutionTech | 2342 | 27 Miles Philip Goldson Highway |
Everyday Supermarket & Gas Station | 1183 | George Price Highway, Hattieville |
Family Care Pharmacy & Clinic Ltd | 1894 | 9 3/4 mls Philip Goldson Highway |
Fu Wi Falvaz | 2301 | 19 Mile George price highway |
Garden Restaurant | 2279 | Maskall Village |
Gear Tech Auto Solutions | 2429 | 22 1/2 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
Helen Wu Store | 1271 | Burrell Boom |
KamCas Printing Service | 2514 | 17 Arizona Road, Ladyville |
KenShan Tours | 2562 | Burrell Boom |
Leverage International | 1437 | 250 Fresh Pond |
Lee’s Premium Meat | 2394 | 31 Mahogany Heights Village |
Lords Bank Supermarket | 1399 | 26 Lords Bank Road |
Madlink | 2575 | 1115 Sea Orchid Drive |
Marci’s Online Boutique | 1466 | Blue Jay Street |
Manatee Lookout | 1200 | Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville |
MD Restaurant & Bar | 2574 | Lords Bank |
Mr. T Chicken Lickin Food Truck | 2266 | Ladyville Village |
One Love Food Truck | 2130 | 8 Miles Corner John Smith Road |
Pharmacy Plus | 2519 | Ladyville Village |
Perez Tamales Shop | 2439 | 9 1/4 Miles Phillip Goldson Hwy, Ladyville |
Prosser Fertilizer and Agrotec Company Limited | 1916 | Mile 7 1/2 George Price Highway |
Pure and Natural Hair Products | 1462 | Mussell Creek Road |
QB Shop | 2336 | 21 Saunders Street, Hattieville Village |
RH Photo Limited | 1907 | 12.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway |
Rockey Trail | 2445 | Altun Ha Rock Stone Pond |
River Valley Supplies Gas Station | 1268 | Scotland Halfmoon |
River Valley Supplies II | 1270 | Double Head Cabbage |
River Valley Supplies Supermarket | 1269 | Bermudian Landing |
Sabrinas Mini Mart | 1914 | 8 1/2 mls Philip Goldson Highway, Ladyville Village |
Safyre Jewellery | 1366 | 29 Lords Bank |
SOL CLAY Jewelery | 1591 | 6 Green Estate |
Tropical Blend | 2133 | 83 Cahal Pech Street, Lords Bank |
The Howler Jungle House | 2563 | Burrell Boom Village |
The Iguana Stop | 1505 | Burrell Boom Village |
The Party Box by Al | 1930 | Boston Village |
Vasquez Family Store | 2272 | Spanish Town Maskall Village |
Vision Tech Consultancy and Solutions | 1718 | 22 Lords Bank, Ladyville |
Twinz Closet | 1622 | 112 Sea Urchin Drive |
Village Style Restaurant | 2440 | 12 1/ 2 Mile Phillip Goldson Hwy, Ladyville |
Virtual Center | 1337 | 9 3/4 Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Ladyville |
We Care Pharmacy | 1801 | 8 1/2 Miles George Price Highway |
Winston Galvez | 2434 | 52 New Spanish Town, Lord’s Bank |
Yan Chen Store | 2526 | 288 Scissors Tail, Ladyville |
Yemy Farm Belize | 2103 | 31 Mls Phillip Goldson Highway, Crooked Tree |
1688 Shopping Center | 1340 | 2 Mahogany Street |
99 Supermarket | 1345 | Nim Li Punit St |
A and K Mini Shop | 1396 | 27 Dunn Street |
Adrian Zavala DBA Anime World | 2463 | 74 Panama Street Extension |
Art Box Company Limited | 2129 | 46 Miles George Price Highway |
Amor Turquesa Boutique | 1979 | Market Plaza |
Angles Rotissarrie | 1054 | Garza Ave. |
Aria’s Lounge | 1409 | Kai Mat Street |
Babu Imports | 1757 | 8 Mamie Apple Street |
Ba Sheng Lun Supermarket | 1327 | 4415 Nim Li Punit St |
Baracks Trading Center | 1056 | Mountain View Blvd. |
Bedazzle Me | 2281 | Market Plaza |
Belizean Rice and Memes | 2135 | 13 Tapir Street |
Bellavis Bistro | 1311 | 7560 Doyle’s Delight Street |
Belmopan Hardware | 1212 | 1 Mussel Creek St. |
Belmopan Service Station Ltd | 1341 | Constitution Drive |
Belsur Cleaning Service | 2164 | 20 Antelope Street |
Best Care Pharmacy Ltd | 1868 | 18 San Martin Avenue |
Best Choice Purified Water and Beverages | 1732 | 5534 University Blvd |
Betta Park Solutions | 1300 | 20 Tiger Ave |
Books School and Office Supplies | 1138 | Saint Martin Ave. |
Buca Services Co Ltd | 1476 | 22 Constitution Drive Belmopan |
C & J Enterprise | 1141 | Shopping Center |
Cafe Percolatte | 1052 | Mountain View Blvd. |
Calahans | 2005 | Culvert Yard Road |
Cass Industries | 1891 | Aguaviva Hummingbird Highway |
Caladium Restaurant | 1458 | Market Square |
Capital Jewel | 1285 | 2nd Floor Venus Complex |
Cano’s Courier Service | 1408 | 4 Mount Mossey Street |
Cardinal Hardware | 2008 | 3436 Cardinal Ave |
Casa Cafe | 1727 | 46 Forest Drive |
CCCAN Laundry And Lifestyle | 1778 | 11 Mountain View Boulevard |
Cellular World (Belmopan) | 1351 | Constitution Drive |
Chon Saan Palace (Belmopan) | 1066 | Monday Morning Ave. |
City Bargains Stop | 1145 | Saint Martin Ave. |
Coco Gardens Ltd. | 1053 | Victoria Peak St. |
Copy Xpress Plus | 2009 | 14 Mountain View Blvd |
Corkers | 1343 | Hibiscus Plaza |
C.S Energy Ltd. | 1474 | 8 Forest Drive |
Cybercom Research Center | 1728 | 2 Santa Maria Street |
D&G Solutions | 2544 | 15 Xunantunich Street |
Daag Bites | 1910 | 9098 J & W Housing Area |
Dada’s Pizza | 1142 | Constitution Drive |
Dakers Stationary & Books Limited | 1046 | Shopping Center, Ring Road |
Dangies Pibil | 2265 | 19 Hummingbird Highway |
Dantesque | 1144 | Forest Drive |
Day to Day Store | 1758 | Cor Guatemala and San Martin Streets |
Dhartani Mobile | 1082 | Market Square |
Dibary Belmopan Limited | 1633 | Cardinal Avenue 27 |
Digi Store – Belmopan | 1108 | Bliss Parade |
DK2 Net Café | 1125 | Nicaragua St. |
Donny’s Rotisserie and Grill | 1232 | 18 Ben’s Bluff Street |
Double O Restaurant and Bar | 1248 | 3 Pacific Street |
DQ Fast Food | 2271 | 21 Stann Creek Street |
Ebenezer Auto Tinting and Car Wash | 2283 | 54 55 Hummingbird Highway |
El Rancho Restaurant and Bar | 1326 | Mile 47 Western Hwy |
Express Beauty Salon | 1509 | 15 Racoon Avenue |
Fansico Supermarket | 1513 | 11 Nimli Punit Street |
Farahs Feminine Fashion | 1630 | 25 Racoon Avenue |
Fashion and More | 1510 | 3596 Mountain View Boulevard Unit 5 and 6 |
Fermosa Cafe | 1001 | Nim Li Punit St. |
First25.Bz | 2415 | 11 13 Trinity Blvd |
Forever Tasty Cakes And Pastries | 1867 | 4 Toucan Avenue |
Frozen (Belmopan) | 1242 | Constitution Drive |
Garden City Restuarant | 1081 | Mountain View Blvd. |
Good View Restaurant | 1585 | 3596 Mountain View Blvd |
Habibi Restaurant | 1917 | 15 Ring Road |
Hala Madrid Restaurant | 1205 | Maravillas Ave. |
Happy Family Restaurant | 2402 | Forest Drive, Belmopan |
Health and Body Essentials | 2015 | 54 Hummingbird Highway |
Heritage Coffee House Tea Bar | 1013 | Blue Creek Street |
Hello Roses | 2606 | 2 Guatemala Street |
Hibiscus Hotel | 1349 | Hibiscus Plaza Mechado Parade |
Home Body | 2351 | Oriole Avenue, Belmopan |
Hsin Ju Lai DBA Think Veg | 2361 | Belmopan Market Plaza |
Huang Ying Supermarket | 2006 | Constitution Drive |
Ice Cream Corner | 2014 | 36 Santa Maria Street |
Ice Point | 1059 | Stann Creek St. |
Jakes Pizza | 1632 | 7598 Canada Hill Street |
Juliets Catering Service | 1884 | 7615 Canada Hill St |
Kalgers Supermarket | 1115 | Toledo Street |
Kapitall3 | 2282 | Belmopan Market Plaza |
Kiki Witz Ltd | 1213 | Mile 46 George Price Highway |
Kings Barbershop | 1775 | 1 Jalacte Street |
Krayzi Coffee | 1584 | Corner Guadalupe St and George Price Blvd |
Kuchriments | 2520 | 10 Antelope Avenue |
KRP Enterprises | 2506 | Corner Kuxlin Ha and Massan Avenue Maya Mopan |
Leslys Bed And Breakfast | 1807 | 30 Haulover Creek |
Levitzah | 2012 | 13 Guanacaste Park |
Lindz Handmade Treasures | 2141 | 12 Cayo Street |
Macs Pronto Courier Service | 1777 | 22 Bladden Street |
Madee’s | 2276 | 19 Lumber Street |
Marlenis Closet | 2013 | Dry Creek Street |
Marys Kitchen | 1869 | 6 Temash Street |
Meraki Clothing | 1401 | 8 Mandarin Street |
Mayarids Spices & Nuts | 2474 | Belmopan Market |
M and G Entertainment | 1546 | 11 Tiger Avenue |
Medicare Plus Pharmacy | 2258 | 1357 Market Square |
Mista Bee Bar Bee Que | 1909 | Cor North Ring Road and Rio Grande Ave |
Mistah Tacos | 2340 | Ring Road |
Miss Debs | 1344 | Mobile Food Truck |
Mikes Cue Club | 1055 | Barton Creek St. |
Muscle Hut Fitness Club | 1658 | Mile 54 Hummingbird Highway |
New Taisan Shop | 1339 | 1 Gaza Avenue |
Nelly Novelo DBA Lunar Designs | 2589 | 23 Earlies Street |
Nice Corner | 1808 | 2 Stann Creek Street |
Nina’s Spa | 1553 | 13 Mahogany Street |
Nutrilicious Corner | 1140 | Ring Road |
Oasis AJs Restaurant | 1967 | Rivera Area |
Omni Studio | 2308 | Online Store |
Orbes Restaurant and Bar | 1146 | Saint Martin Ave. |
Organic Spa Academy Ltd | 2584 | 3229 Mussel Creek Street |
Our Community Pharmacy | 2010 | Suite 104 Nim Li Punit Street |
Paradise Cafe | 2011 | Market Plaza |
Pearla Coralia Lopez DBA Pearls Jewelry | 2335 | Belmopan Market Plaza |
Plutos Pastries | 1049 | Flowers Street |
Precise Cuts Meat Shop | 1754 | Belen Street Maya Mopan |
Prototype Industries | 1731 | 5 Earlies Street Cohune Walk |
Proz Style Barber Shop | 1346 | 3 Bliss Parade Market Square |
Psykey | 2536 | 12 McFadzean Street |
Puma Shanghai Service Station | 2275 | 5455 Hummingbird Highway |
Red Coral Store | 1086 | Barton Creek St. |
Restaurante La Copaneca | 1143 | Racoon St. |
Robby Run | 1347 | 3 Mahogany Street |
San Martin Store | 1866 | 48 St Martin Avenue |
Shekar | 1402 | 6 Market Square, Fire Station Market |
Solos Art Studio | 2007 | Constitution Drive |
Spa Trice | 1407 | 3 Intelco Hill Road |
Simple Life | 1631 | 2323 Hummingbird Highway |
Skyes Delight | 1776 | 6 Garza Avenue |
Smart Care Pharmaceutical Ltd | 2004 | 7087 Mountain View Blvd |
Spice Life | 1634 | 7 Monday Morning Avenue |
Social Security Board | 1818 | Bliss Parade, Belmopan |
Sweet Dream Entertainment and Marketing | 1629 | 3808 Constitution Drive |
Studio 7 | 1188 | 14 Hummingbird Ave. |
Surf & Turf Deli | 1756 | Constitution Drive |
Tacos Don Carlos (Belmopan) | 1206 | Xunantunich St. |
Taco Taco Mexicali Style Tacos | 2587 | 11 Aloe Vera Road |
TAS Belize Limited | 1468 | 3 Marigold Street |
The Ansen Place | 1755 | 11 Blue Hole Street |
The Brow and Lash Bar | 1659 | 1 Trinity Blvd Belmopan City |
The Capital Print Shop | 1410 | 3537 Cardinal Avenue |
The Garage Restaurant and Chill Spot | 2234 | 1147 Butt Road |
The Mall | 1214 | Hummingbird Highway |
The Market Smoothie Bar | 1770 | East Ring Road |
The Plaza Consultancy | 1406 | Market Plaza |
The Smoke Shack Restaurant | 1475 | 1334 Constitution Drive |
The Wing Stop | 1514 | Nim Li Punit Street |
TJ Super Market | 1883 | Queen Elizabeth Blvd |
Top Meats | 1338 | Nim Li Punit Street |
Trinket Box | 2160 | Tul Street |
Val’s Treasure Box | 2288 | Belmopan Market |
Variedades Ramiro | 2257 | 3896 Mountain View Boulevard |
Vegas Promotions | 2431 | 1371 Forest Drive |
Zeta Belmopan | 1641 | 1537 Constitution Drive |
King’s Barbershop | 1775 | 1 Jalacte Street |
Nexus Consultancy Ltd. | 2543 | 1354 Constitution Drive |
Skye’s Delight | 1776 | 6 Garza Avenue |
CCCAN Laundry & Lifestyle | 1778 | 11 Mountain View Boulevard |
Z’s Mad Munchies | 1773 | 30 Stann Creek Street |
Wings and Feathers Ltd. | 1147 | Forest Drive |
Agua Pura Ltd | 1034 | 62 Church Street |
ANL Benque Viejo Del Carmen | 1061 | Benque |
Black Snapper Chill Spot | 1189 | New Area, Chapel Hill |
Blazeful Vibes | 1935 | George Price Boulevard |
Bonheurs Fashion | 1325 | Independence Street |
Buccan Grill Restaurant | 1181 | 27 Joyce Blair Street |
Ceviche Shack Kitchen | 1955 | Market Plaza |
Cool Runnings-Kitchen Cevicheria | 1243 | Chapel Hill |
CJS Pharmacy | 1793 | 4 Independence Street |
Da Blessed Meatpie | 1794 | 23 George Price Boulevard |
Eclipse Night Club | 1954 | George Price Boulevard |
El Bohemio Rock Bar | 1397 | Riverside Street |
Emily Lins Store | 1792 | George Price Boulevard |
Estelitas Seamstress and Variety Store | 1791 | George Price Boulevard |
Eye Care Solutions | 1324 | Independence Street |
Joceli’s Fast Food | 1810 | Jose Marti Street |
J C Pizza | 1280 | George Price HighWay, Benque Viejo Del Carmen |
Josannie’s Variety | 1029 | Market Plaza |
Hill Top Spors Bar & Restaurant | 1998 | Corner Churchill and Hudson |
Kryztal Paradise | 1789 | 18 Burns Street |
La Esquinita | 1906 | Benque Viejo Del Carmen |
La Esperanza Meat Shop | 1820 | Old Bank Street |
La Papuseria Benquena | 1665 | George Price Boulevard |
Marcy’s Beauty Salon | 1796 | Corner of Baron Bliss and Riverside Street |
Marinas Fast Food Dinner | 1633 | 79 Benque Viejo Road |
Mini Store | 1790 | Kennedy Street |
Moralez Services and Hardware | 1943 | Pedro Guerra Mena and Maya Street |
MYOGURT | 1244 | Centro America Street |
Nattys Kitchen | 1721 | George Street |
Papa Ben’s Bar and Grill | 1508 | 81 Benque Viejo |
Pickatoy | 1988 | Market Plaza |
Xu Store | 1795 | Churchill Street |
Sam Bruce Crown Jewelry and Pawn Shop | 1384 | Arenal Road |
The Seed Agent and Agro Supplies | 1888 | George Price Boulevard |
Vision Electronics | 1953 | George Price Boulevard |
Agave Bar and Grill | 2262 | Calle Al Sol |
Anas Pupuseria | 1960 | Avenida Langosta |
Bahia Convenient Store | 1963 | Bahia Puesta Del Sol |
Buddy s Golf Cart Rental | 2259 | Avenida Langosta |
Clouds Restaurant & Bar | 1962 | 545 Alamina Drive |
China Town Game & Bar | 1218 | Estrella Street |
China Town Hotel | 1219 | Estrella Street |
China Town Palace | 1220 | Estrella Street |
Digi Store – Caye Caulker | 1104 | Back Street |
El Ben Cabanas Resort | 1482 | North Caye Caulker |
Emars Pharmacy | 2235 | Estrella Street |
Enjoy Supermarket | 1221 | Avenida Hicaco |
Go Slow Enterprise Ltd. | 2177 | Luciano Reyes Street, Caye Caulker |
Heebie Jeebies Sundae Bar | 1995 | Avenida Hicaco, Caye Caulker |
Hibisca Ltd. | 1957 | Calle Al Sol, Caye Caulker |
La Cubana | 2236 | Avenida Hicaco |
M and Dream Supermarket | 2261 | Bahia Area |
New ChinaTown Supermarket | 1224 | Front Street |
Ocean Supermarket | 1226 | Avenida Hicaco |
Prime Supermarket | 2260 | Front Street |
Puesta Del Sol Boutique & Gift Shop | 1956 | 449 Bahia Puesta Del Sol |
Purple Passion Beauty Salon | 2002 | Calle Al Sol, Caye Caulker |
Rx. Value Prescription Value | 2263 | Calle Al Sol |
Sewfisticated By CeeCee | 2181 | 154 Travelers Palm Street, Caye Caulker |
Sip N Dip Beach Bar | 1223 | Front Street |
Sun Rise Shopping Center | 1229 | 62 Front Street |
Em’s Hideaway | 1608 | 9 Aguada Street |
J and Sons Xtreme Karts | 2128 | Avenida Langosta |
Maestro’s Barbershop | 1607 | 9 Aguada Street |
Martys Lumber and Construction Supply | 1959 | Estrella Street |
Moonlight Restaurant | 1961 | Bahia Puesta Del Sol |
Shanta Store | 1450 | Avenida Langosta |
The Hungry Starfish Ltd. | 1231 | 55 Avenida Hicaco |
The Spot To Stop Bar and Grill | 2264 | Avenida Mangle |
Youngs Assistant Services | 1990 | Bahia Puesto Del Sol |
23 Plus Shop | 1785 | Teakettle Village |
Abner Vasquez DBA Dueñas Variety Store | 2599 | Valley of Peace Village |
Als Hyde Away | 1784 | Georgeville |
ATM Supermarket | 1342 | Teakettle Village |
BM Stop n Shop | 1452 | Santa Familia Village |
Belize Bird Rescue | 1655 | Roaring River Drive, Roaring Creek, |
Central Agency | 1522 | Roaring Creek |
Chirps Chicken Sides and Fruit Shakers | 1750 | 31 Bullet Tree Road |
Cooperativa De Servicios Varios El Progresso | 2600 | Valley of Peace Village |
Dark Necessities | 1666 | Bullet Tree Falls |
Delone’s Deli | 1403 | Cotton Tree Village |
DY Smoothie Craze | 1557 | 9 Roaring Creek Village |
Ebarn | 1537 | 22nd Street East |
Elick Chan DBA Orita Print | 2328 | Church Street; San Jose Succotz, Cayo |
El Mangito Dinner | 1667 | Camalote Village |
Farmacia San Jose | 2326 | 57 San Jose Succotz, Cayo |
Flo On The Go Massage Therapy | 2151 | Another World, Roaring Creek |
Franco Superstore | 1981 | Camalote Village |
Garbutt Service Station Company Limited | 1547 | Roaring Creek Village |
Hello Body! | 1564 | Central Farm |
Hot Mamas Belize Ltd | 1319 | Mile 61 George Price Highway, Unitedville |
Humes Family Store | 1812 | Santa Familia |
Ireland Store | 1885 | Black Man Eddy |
Kay V Store | 2495 | Penner Road, Valley of Peace |
KK Mexican Tacos | 1821 | Roaring Creek |
Miss Debs | 1344 | Mobile Food Truck |
Orders 2 U | 2611 | 48.5 Western Highway |
Rayito Store | 1299 | Teakettle Village |
Reimer Feed Mill | 2061 | Center Avenue, Spanish Lookout |
Roaring River Golf and Accommodations Ltd | 1287 | Roaring Creek |
Smart Moves Ltd | 2610 | 48.5 Western Highway |
Sweet and Sour Restaurant | 1936 | San Jose Succotz |
The Cattlers Stop | 1933 | Bullet Tree Village |
Hunab Ku Adventours | 2213 | Hummingbird Loop, Cristo Rey Village |
Tots Restaurant and Bar | 1551 | Valley of Peace Village |
Westar Bar & Restaurant | 1769 | Mile 49 George Price Highway |
Westar Truck Stop | 1653 | Mile 49 George Price Highway |
Banana Enterprises Limited Belagro Agriculture | 2064 | Banana Enterprises Limited Belagro Agriculture |
Beth’s Deli | 1262 | 2nd Street North |
Bio Green Shop Czl | 1328 | 11,Orange Street Santa Rita Layout |
Caramelo | 1117 | Corner 5th Ave. & 2nd St. |
Collective Preorders | 2447 | Mahogany Street, Halls Layout, Corozal Town, Corozal |
Champion Pawn Shop | 1568 | 1 Street South Park Street |
Chic Shopping Room | 1011 | Santa Rita Road |
Circle K Supermarket | 1048 | San Andres Road |
C’s Pharmacy | 1083 | 2nd Street South |
Corozal Service Station Limited | 1492 | Ranchito Village |
DBC Nails and Accessories | 1781 | 4th Avenue |
Delcafe Ice Cream Spot | 1710 | ZJ Street South |
Digi Store – Corozal | 1106 | 5th Avenue |
DigiGraphix | 1120 | 4th Ave. |
Doni & Dodits | 1446 | 6 Altamira |
Earth 2 Earth Cutlery | 1395 | 5 Finca Solana |
El Comal | 1260 | 7th Avenue |
ELR Consultancy | 2046 | Altamira |
Esha Collection | 1071 | 1st Street |
Euphoria 21 | 1261 | 2nd Street North |
Flex Belize | 1616 | 34 5th Avenue |
Gamaa Solutions | 1589 | 22 4th Avenue |
Hotel Maya | 1259 | 115 7th Ave, Corozal |
ICV Brokerage | 1695 | Altamira |
Ja Na Fruit Splasher | 1606 | 1st Street North |
Jah Mundo | 1178 | Finca Solana |
Itatie & Bros | 1471 | 21 1st Street North |
Jo Mel In | 1187 | Corner 5th Ave. & 2nd St. |
Le Deliclassy | 1028 | Santa Rita Road |
Magana’s Pharmacy | 1582 | South End |
Mai’s Mini Shop | 2560 | Xaibe Village, Corozal |
Mi Cocina | 1329 | Sea Grape Street |
Mo’s Parts | 1567 | 7th Avenue |
Mo’s Supermarket | 1026 | Corner 5th St. & 5th Ave. |
My Belize Safe | 2048 | 12 7th Avenue |
My Belize Guest House | 2047 | Santa Rita Road |
New Town Hardware | 1044 | 7th Avenue |
New World Supermarket | 1043 | 7th Avenue |
One Stop Solutions | 1604 | One Stop Solutions |
Orlando Patio Lounge | 1045 | Potzal Area |
Pancho’s Drink House | 1027 | 1st Avenue |
Rainbow Town Supermarket | 1114 | Corner 5th Street & 4th Ave. |
Savage Bites | 1588 | Corozo Street |
Season Supermarket | 1429 | 5th Avenue Street |
Sunset View Restuarant & Bar | 1031 | 1st Avenue |
The Mexican Corner | 1448 | 7th Avenue |
The Mexican Taste | 1780 | 1st South |
Unicare Pharmacy | 1605 | San Andres Road |
Vintage Havana | 1581 | 7th Avenue |
Aileen Chable DBA Juz Sunshine Mini Store | 2314 | San Narciso Village |
Alfonso Shop | 2412 | Progresso Village |
Arelie Vasquez DBA My Sweet Corner | 2345 | Libertad Village |
Ariannie Arzu DBA Nays Mini Shop | 2409 | Patchakan Village, Corozal |
Amber Gilharry DBA THE SKINCARE KID | 2420 | Chan Chen Village, Corozal |
Antelma Murray DBA La Botana | 2421 | Chan Chen Village, Corozal |
Bladimir Patt DBA Star Cuts Barbershop | 2297 | San Narciso Village |
Bianca Correa DBA Carlos Mini Shop | 2318 | Louisville Village |
David Olivarez DBA Vickys Mini Shop | 2375 | Progresso Village |
Desideria Botes | 2316 | Libertad Village |
Elisa Victorin DBA Elisa Shop | 2413 | Patchakan Village, Corozal |
Eva Campos DBA Henry’s Store | 2305 | San Narciso Village |
Wood House Bistro | 1050 | 1st Avenue |
Calcutta Community Supermarket | 1263 | Calcutta Village |
Crabbys Hut Restaurant and Bar | 1290 | 639 N Front St, Sarteneja |
Daily Dose Pizzeria | 1554 | San Roman |
Ding Feng Store | 2344 | San Narciso Village |
Elmer Carlos DBA Blue Sky Purified Water | 2411 | Progresso Village |
Ever Abdias Arias | 2561 | Paraiso Village, Corozal |
Faustino Yam DBA U Ku’uchil U’uchben Maaya Ba’alo’ob | 2352 | Cristo Rey Village |
Informa-T Corozal | 2535 | Xaibe Village, Corozal |
J and J Family Restaurant | 1264 | San Joaquin Village |
Justo Chavez DBA El Original | 2355 | Chan Chen Village |
LZ Dzigns | 1993 | Ranchito Village, Corozal |
Marcos Bonilla DBA Karen’s Store | 2347 | San Narciso Village |
Mejoremos Pharmacy and Clinic | 2497 | San Narciso Village, Corozal |
Melicia Sutherland DBA All’s Cool Spot | 2348 | Libertad Village |
Micheladas Abi | 1503 | 1st North Street |
Mi Compa Bar and Grill | 1745 | Ranchito Village |
Mic’s Carwash | 2534 | Ranchito Village, Corozal |
Mike’s Supermarket | 2408 | Patchakan Village, Corozal |
Mrs. Chabb’s Printersville | 2488 | San Pedro Village, Corozal |
Nimsis Internet Café | 2298 | San Narciso Village |
Nina’s Selective Trends | 2317 | Louisville Village |
Norma Flores | 2405 | Patchakan Village, Corozal |
Norma Flores DBA Florez Accessories and More | 2406 | Patchakan Village, Corozal |
Orchid Winds Restaurant | 2484 | Chunox Village, Corozal |
Ramona Riobo | 2356 | Concepcion Village |
Reed-Lee Sepal DBA Delmas Shop | 2349 | Libertad Village |
Roni Gonzalez DBA Bel-Budgies Aviary | 2346 | Louisville Village |
Risely Pena DBA Risely Shop | 2354 | Cristo Rey Village |
Sal Y Limon Mexican Bistro and Day Club | 2296 | San Narciso Village |
San Narciso Hai Yan Supermarket(Merchant) | 2315 | San Narciso Village, Corozal |
Selenes Resort | 2407 | Progresso Village |
Snobite Shaved Ice | 1856 | Copper Bank |
Supreme Ice Cream | 2306 | San Narciso Village |
Tec Tees | 2570 | Ranchito Village, Corozal |
Tommy Store | 2485 | Cristo Rey Village, Corozal |
Trade Winds Hospitality | 2483 | Chunox Village, Corozal |
Value Supermarket | 1744 | San Roman Village |
Village Bakery | 2419 | Chan Chen Village, Corozal |
Aba Isieni Cool Spot | 1832 | Aranda Crescent |
Bond with Me Collection | 1463 | 1581 Teddy Cas Street |
Cake For You | 1688 | 2282 Valley Road |
Champion Shine | 1838 | Dangriga |
CTC Competidor Trading Center | 1275 | Commerce Street |
Dev Supermarket | 1294 | Commerce Street |
Digi Store – Dangriga | 1110 | Commerce Street |
Dios Es Bueno Ministerios Del Reino | 1545 | George Price Drive |
Family Shopping Center | 1276 | Ecumenical Drive |
Fastidious Styles | 1701 | Havana Street, Dangriga |
Fi We Mart | 1282 | South Road |
Gem’s Photo | 1764 | 32 Oak Street, Dangriga |
Havana Convenience Store | 1686 | Havana Street |
Hanisha | 1278 | 100 Commerce Street |
Hin Kee | 1831 | Commerce Street |
Holiday Store | 1279 | 321 Ecumenical Drive |
Huang Chen Supermarket | 1298 | 1651 George Price Drive |
Hummingbird Estate Cabanas Limited | 1705 | 6 Miles Stann Creek Valley Road, Dangriga |
Inshop Belize | 1464 | George Price Drive |
Island Breeze Bar & Grill | 1222 | St. Vincent St. |
Alford Usher DBA Usher’s Taxi & Delivery’s | 2393 | Independence Village, Stann Creek District |
Butterfly Pea Spa | 2387 | Independence Village, Stann Creek District |
Derwin Ramclam DBA Dada Service | 2380 | Flamboyant Ave, Independence Village, Stann Creek District |
Jasmin Garcia DBA Jas Delight | 2377 | Lester Richards Street, Independence Village, Stann Creek District |
Karina Leiva DBA KK’s Sweet World | 2427 | Pine Street, Independence Village, Stann Creek District |
Kendy Paniagua DBA MK Closet | 2400 | New Site Area, Independence Village, Stann Creek District |
Leigh Usher DBA Usher’s Bike Parts | 2383 | Richards Extension, Independence Village, Stann Creek District |
Maria Ogaldez DBA Mari Mars Pizza | 2391 | Independence Market Square, Independence Village, Stann Creek District |
Sharon Lizama DBA Sharon’s Beauty Salon | 2399 | Fadden Avenue, Independence Village, Stann Creek Village |
A & K Mini Shop | 1396 | 27 Dunn Street |
A Carillo Fresh Fruit and Vegetables | 1381 | Lousiana Farm Road Palmar Road |
Add To Cart BZ | 1313 | 40 Bakers St |
Angelito Magana DBA Mias Shop | 2422 | 22 Smith Sonia Street, Orange Walk Town |
A and C Store | 2188 | 70 San Andres Street |
AGN Belize | 1076 | Royal Palm Street |
Ahorra Mas Supermarket | 1498 | 2 Cinderella Street |
Alex Pharmacy | 1246 | 157 Phillip Goldson Highway |
Allures Floral Design | 1434 | 137 Belize Corozal Road |
American Best Variety Store | 1190 | Cor. Queen Victoria Ave. & Cinderella St. |
Anairi’s Beauty and Beyond | 1433 | 4 Savanah Street |
Annas Kitchen | 1303 | Belize Corozal Road |
Banana Enterprises Limited Belagro Agriculture | 2064 | Orange Walk Town |
Cuisine Delight | 2206 | Fort Cairns Market, Arthur Street |
Davilas Clinic Ultrasound | 2186 | 16 Corozal Street |
Doris Wellness Club | 2251 | Progress Street |
Mechas Irish Cream | 1445 | Santa Martha Street |
Babas | 1088 | Queen Victoria Ave. |
BabyStar.Net | 1392 | Cr. Gravel Lane and Belize Corozal Road |
Bangladesh Mini Mart | 1428 | 14 Otro Benque Road |
Barber Shop and Beauty Salon JJG | 1306 | Otro Benque Rd |
Bats Landing | 1560 | Tower Hill |
Belize Live News | 1014 | 22 Smith Sonia Street |
Belize Technology and Software Systems | 1304 | 3 Oleander Street |
Better Life Pharmacy | 1356 | 4 Queen Victoria Street |
Beverlys Online Sales | 1495 | San Lorenzo Housing Site |
Buddha Restaurant | 1535 | 7 Aurora Street |
By National Treat | 1024 | Sarstoon Street |
Call Master Solutions | 1617 | 1089 Tower Hill |
C’s Ingenious Creations | 1393 | 7 Progress Street |
Carly’s Bakery | 1369 | 25 Sarstoon Street |
Clinica Dr Mesh | 2104 | Otro Benque Rd |
Crafty | 1018 | Jamaica St. |
Cuisine Delight | 2206 | Fort Cairns Market, Arthur Street |
Curiosidades Nelvin | 1563 | Queen Victoria Avenue |
Davics Meat Market | 1385 | Belize Corozal Road |
Davilas Clinic Ultrasound | 2186 | 16 Corozal Street |
De la Fuente Pharmacy 16 Main Street | 1431 | 16 Main Street |
De la Fuente Pharmacy Cinderella Street | 1627 | Fonseca St |
D’ Flag Store | 1544 | 115A Belize Corozal Road |
Di Beer Stop | 1619 | Fonseca St |
Dickerson Family Mart | 1245 | Belize Corozal Road |
Dickerson Supermarket | 1126 | Cinderella St. |
Digi Store – Orange Walk | 1107 | Main Street |
Doris Wellness Club | 2251 | Progress Street |
DK 24/7 Service Station | 1618 | 126 Philip Goldson Higway |
Dr. Cell Phone | 2205 | Market Ext. Arthur Street |
DR’s Pharmacy | 1019 | 1 A Santa Ana Street |
Dulce’s Meat Pies | 1436 | 22 Smithsonia Street |
Elegancia Perez | 1562 | South Park Street |
El Establo Roadside Grill | 1289 | Indian Hill Estate |
El Torito Meat Shop | 1394 | Otro Benque Road |
E’s Closet by Emily Logan | 1368 | 5 Banak Street |
ER’s ICY Treats | 1668 | San Ignacio Street |
Executive Alliance | 1371 | Progress Street |
Farmer’s Daughters | 2207 | Robin Street, Trial Farm |
Focus & Tea Time | 1135 | Baker’s Street |
Foodie Friday Gourmet | 1996 | 1693 Grouper Street |
Francisco’s Mexican Stlye Tacos | 1486 | Queen Victoria Avenue |
Frozen (Orange Walk) | 1242 | Main Street |
G & G Variety | 1620 | Lovers Lane |
Gabys Fast Food | 2292 | Holy Trinity Street |
General Health Lab | 1626 | Cinderella Street |
Gillett’s Fresh and Processed Meats | 2253 | San Antonio Road |
Glamour Beauty Salon | 2250 | 13 Democracia Street |
Glamorous Divas Salon | 2571 | 7 BEL Street, Orange Walk Town |
Gran Paints | 1133 | Queen Victoria Ave. |
Gutierrez Hot Dog Trail Farm | 2106 | Trial Farm Village |
Harry Shop | 1312 | Cementry Street |
Hug in a Mug | 1116 | Dunn Street |
Ice Break | 1022 | 4 Park Street |
In Style Store | 1768 | 3 Belize Corozal Road |
J & Sons Store | 1235 | San Jose Village |
Javier KK Mayoreo | 2299 | 14B Progress Street |
JDs Snack Shop | 1331 | Stadium Street |
Jems Quality Imports | 1305 | San Francisco St |
La Fonda Tacos | 2194 | 52 Cuello Street |
LaDestina Travel | 2189 | 63 Liberty Avenue |
Lala’s Imports | 1739 | Bethias Lane |
Lamanai River side Retreat | 1023 | Lamanai Alley |
Landy’s and Sons | 1068 | Belize Corozal Road |
Lasting Impressions Designs | 1367 | Santa Familia Street |
Llany | 1541 | St. Peter Street |
Lovely Classy Nails | 1561 | 3 San Antonio Road |
Lubell’s Professional Collecting and Saving Services | 1617 | Otro Benque Road |
Maria’s Bakeshop & Coffee House | 1074 | 7 Progress Street |
Maris Store Online | 1499 | 56 Main Street |
Meat Up Point | 1809 | 7 Aurora Street |
Medina’s Garage | 1215 | Sylvestre Street |
Mega Solutions (Qwik) | 1127 | Benque Viejo St. |
Mechas Irish Cream | 1445 | Santa Martha Street |
Nads Mini Mart | 1211 | Barracks |
Nahil Mayab Resturant | 1047 | Guadalupe St. |
North Interdealz | 2185 | San Jose Village |
Nubias Kitchen | 1628 | Cinderella Street |
Oceans Prime | 1672 | Orange Walk Town |
Orange Walk Dental Clinic | 2193 | 6th Street |
Orange Walk Town Council | 2595 | Orange Walk Town |
Osiris Refrigeration and AC Services | 2597 | San Antonio Road |
Owen’s Greenhouse Escape | 2572 | 7 BEL Street, Orange Walk Town |
Palm Island Bar & Grill | 2117 | Cor Palmar Rd & Cabbage St |
Paulita’s Floral & Remembrance Services | 1372 | 29 San Lorenzo Housing Site |
Plum Kiss Belize | 1494 | Palmar Village |
Pocket Mobile | 1180 | Progress St. |
Pocket Friendly Gift Shop | 2190 | Audinett Alley |
Polished To Perfection By Jessie Andrewin | 2195 | 62 Farm Road |
Ramiros Used Tires | 1257 | Belize Corozal Road |
Reyes Organic Beauty | 1370 | Avocado Street |
Ricks Block & Tile Factory | 1179 | Progress St. |
Ring Store | 2291 | Liberty Avenue |
Riteway | 1033 | 36 Main Street |
Riverside Barbershop | 1432 | 60 Riverside Street |
Roadside Mouthful | 1308 | San Andres Street |
Rustic Roof | 2065 | Naranjal Street |
Sarges Barber Shop | 1819 | Cinderella Street |
Shalom | 1357 | 2 Lovers Lane |
Salutaris Plus | 1504 | 2 Dunn Street |
San Francisco Restaurant | 1310 | 5 San Fransico Street |
San Isidro Construction Center | 2140 | Cor. Dunn & Jamaica St. |
Shop City BZ | 1247 | San Jose Palmar |
Shuga City Nutrition Outlet | 1309 | San Andres Street |
Sister’s Bakery | 1265 | Flamingo and Woodpecker St. Trial Farm |
SkyPur | 1119 | Progress St. |
Snow Lovers Stop Ltd | 1966 | 156 Belize Corozal Road |
Sound Warehouse | 1070 | Tangerine St. |
Spice Bites | 1118 | Aurora Street |
Star City | 2192 | Slaughterhouse Street |
Sunrise Store | 2107 | Otro Benque Rd |
The Agency Realty And Land Consultancy | 1435 | 7 Progress Street |
The Juice Bar | 1307 | 46 Progress Street |
The Mojito Restaurant | 1256 | 16 Liberty Avenue |
The Shopping Bag | 1519 | 156 Belize Corozal Road |
The Tapas Bar & Bistro | 1177 | Tower Hill Village |
The Veg Shop | 2102 | 78 Belize Corozal Road |
Thirsty Macaw | 2187 | San Andres Street |
TJ Sports Bar and Karaoke | 2191 | 2 Bethias Lane |
Typsy Lounge | 1447 | Cinderella Street |
Variedades Elohim | 1621 | North Park Street |
Victory Gaming & Entertainment | 2105 | 1B Queen Victoria Ave |
V Mars Cool Spot | 1670 | San Jose Village, Orange Walk Rural |
V2U Shopping Center | 1087 | Park Street |
Wax BayBee Beauty Studio | 1430 | Maskall Street |
Weiner on a Bun | 1520 | 2 Santa Familia Street |
Wrap and Go | 2108 | Orange Walk Town |
Yessi’s Cuisine | 2323 | 59 Sta. Familia Street |
Zeta Auto Parts Ltd | 1209 | 64 Liberty Avenue |
A. Tillett Jr. Bus Line | 1615 | Trinidad Village |
Anna’s Cool Spot | 2522 | Santa Martha Village, Orange Walk |
Arqueli Medina DBA La Aya Printing Netmilo | 2319 | San Estevan Village |
Arqueli Medina DBA La Aya Tire Repair Shop | 2320 | San Estevan Village |
Beyond Health RX | 2232 | San Isidro Street |
Call Master Solutions | 1617 | Tower Hill Village |
Carmelita Supermarket | 1444 | Carmelita Village |
Clinica Nueva Esperanza | 2252 | San Jose Nuevo Palmar |
Coworking Enterprise | 1738 | San Lazaro Village |
Doris Ramos DBA D and R Shop | 2295 | 34 Belizean Street, San Estevan Village, Orange Walk |
D Boyz Car Wash | 2490 | Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk |
El Solar | 2523 | Santa Martha Village, Orange Walk |
Emgis Store | 2256 | Trial Farm Village |
GMart Supermarket | 2376 | San Estevan Village |
Gutierrez Hotdog Trial Farm | 2106 | Trial Farm Village |
J & Sons Store | 1235 | San Jose Village |
Lady Dii Wireless | 2254 | Guinea Grass Village |
Laura De La Rosa DBA El Paso | 2517 | San Felipe Village, Orange Walk |
Mandos Pizzeria | 2294 | Corozal Road, Trial Farm Village |
Mei Shop | 2525 | Santa Martha Village, Orange Walk |
Mirna Reyes DBA Mari’s Store | 2524 | Santa Martha Village, Orange Walk |
North Interdealz | 2185 | San Jose Village |
Paiz Construction | 2290 | 76 Father Franco Street, Orange Walk Town |
S & S Mini Shop | 2321 | Shipyard Street |
San Martin Uno Gas Station | 2491 | Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk |
San Felipe Pharmacy | 2518 | San Felipe Village, Orange Walk |
Sarita Blanco DBA L&E Restaurant and Cool Spot | 2322 | San Estevan Village |
Shop City BZ | 1247 | Boundary Road, San Jose Palmar Village |
Shipyard Glass Shop | 2204 | Camp 1 |
SJ Multiservice Supplies | 2115 | San Jose Village, Orange Walk Rural |
Sugar City Supermarket Ltd | 2536 | Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk |
V Mars Cool Spot | 1670 | San Jose Village |
QBEEZ | 2208 | 404 Pine Ridge Street |
Yeezy Shopping | 1234 | San Jose Village |
Yi Li Store | 1398 | Guinea Grass Village |
Yo Creek Service Station | 1761 | Yo Creek Village |
Digi Store – Orange Walk | 1111 | Lousiana Farm Palmar Road |
Baby World | 1944 | 66 George Price Street, Punta Gorda |
Bayside Buffet | 2370 | Cor Front & Church St, Punta Gorda Town |
Beyonce Bar and Grill | 1945 | Eldridgeville, Eldridge |
Digi Store – Punta Gorda | 1113 | King/Main St. |
D Cattle Landing Palace | 1918 | Cattle Landing Village, Cattle Landing |
Dr Marenco s Private Clinic | 1946 | 6 George Price Street, Punta Gorda |
Ephoira Faith Boutique | 21167 | 62 Jose Maria Nunez Street, Punta Gorda |
Festivity Party Center | 1925 | 63 Main Street , Punta Gorda |
Garden Bites | 1923 | 23 King Street, Punta Gorda |
Global Pharmacy and Store GPS | 1947 | 6 George Price Street, Punta Gorda |
Graces Hotel and Restaurant | 1948 | Cor Kind and 21 Main Street, Punta Gorda |
Indianville Shopping Center | 2227 | Cayo Street, Water Supply Area |
Ken Lei Grocery Store | 2369 | Cor RK Pennell Blvd & OW Street, Punta Gorda Town |
Leone Shop | 1920 | 30 Main Middle Street, Punta Gorda |
Midtown Flavaz | 1924 | Main Middle Street, Punta Gorda |
Migos Barber Shop | 1922 | Front Street, Punta Gorda |
Ming Yang Shop | 1919 | 35 George Price Street, Punta Gorda |
Naturally Belize Coconut Products | 1333 | Front Street, Market Unit 8 Punta Gorda Town |
NJV s Pharmacy and Stationaries | 1949 | 48 Front Street, Punta Gorda |
Party Pizza | 2022 | Jose Marina Nunez Street, Punta Gorda |
Quad C Electronic Solution | 1542 | George Price Street, Punta Gorda |
Raju’s Variety Store | 2101 | 27 Main Street, Punta Gorda |
Roots Rock Reggae | 2100 | Cattle Landing |
Royal Ashanti Palace | 1926 | 33 George Price Street, Punta Gorda |
Something New Something Old | 2371 | 13 Main Middle Street, Punta Gorda Town |
St Charles Inn | 1950 | 23 King Street, Punta Gorda |
The Ultimate Computer Repair and Services | 1321 | 25 George Price Street |
Tim’s Shopping Center | 1951 | 26 George Price, Street, Punta Gorda |
Thrillz @ Haynes Beaches | 2428 | Haynes Beach, Punta Gorda Town |
Val U Hardware | 1927 | Alejandor Vernon Street, Punta Gorda |
Variedades Veronicas and Sons | 1921 | Main Street, Punta Gorda |
Ambergris Hope’s Pharmacy | 1640 | Pescador Drive |
ATR Ltd (Aji Tapa Bar & Restaurant/PUR Boutique Cabanas) | 1478 | North Ambergris Caye |
Black & White Garifuna Restaurant | 1484 | Sea Grape Drive |
Caye Value Store | 1609 | Laguna Drive |
Cellular World (San Pedro) | 1351 | Pescador Drive |
CG Esthetic | 1502 | Angel Coral Street |
D Sisters Blingz and Thingz | 1733 | Angel Coral Street |
Digi Store – San Pedro | 1105 | Pescador Drive |
Enell’s Deli | 1208 | 3 Miles North San Pedro |
Estels Dine By The Sea | 1481 | Buccanners Street |
Grace Shrimp | 1908 | Boca Del Rio |
Heart Pharmacy | 1132 | Swan Street |
JK’s Kitchen | 1490 | Seagrape Drive |
Joes Meat Shop | 1182 | Barrier Reef Drive |
Ladino’s Chicken Shack | 1488 | 4 Seagull Street |
Lavish Habit Café | 1507 | Boca Del Rio Beach Front |
Middle Street Cuisine | 1377 | Pescador Drive |
My Little Shop | 1420 | San Pedro Town |
Midtown Coffee Bar | 1131 | Barrier Reef Drive |
Nellies Baby Nest | 1184 | Black Coral Street |
Normas Deli | 1480 | Angel Coral Street |
PharmaSafe | 2472 | Angel Coral Street |
Pirates Pizza Ltd | 1518 | 14 Wings Building |
Tephany Massage Studio | 1730 | Barrier Reef Drive |
The Sand Bar Limited | 1491 | Boca Del Rio |
Retro Perros | 1799 | Coconut Drive |
Divas and Dudes Kids Boutique | 1729 | Pescador Drive |
The Belikin Store | 1774 | 10 Coconut Drive |
28 Supermaket | 1873 | 64 Bullet Tree Road |
Alexander Twin Town Restaurant | 1302 | Cor. Eve Street and West St |
Ale’s Beach Treasures | 1583 | Savannah Area, San Ignacio Farmers Market |
Ali’s Barber | 1457 | 2 Guerro Street |
ANL San Ignacio | 1062 | San Ignacio |
B and J Grocery | 1874 | 56, 4th Street |
Belize Fish Bowl | 1413 | 15th Street |
Best Bargain Pharmacy | 1972 | 1 Joseph Andrews Drive |
Boca’s Restaurant | 1517 | 36 Burns Avenue |
Booze and Branches | 1723 | Branch Mouth Road |
Brother’s Super Market | 1523 | 124 George Price Highway |
Caribe Gift and Shop | 1662 | Savannah Street |
Charlove | 1654 | 100 Provision Street Cerrolindo |
Charmell | 1065 | 16 West Street |
Com.Net | 1985 | Burns Avenue |
Cucina 1904 | 1540 | 24 Bullet Tree Road |
D & S Family Store | 1983 | 3 Burns Avenue |
D’Vine Cravings | 1725 | 50 Flamingo Avenue |
Delmys Mini Shop | 1549 | 29 Alpha Centauri Street |
Dibary Cayo | 1934 | 31 Burns Avenue |
Digi Store – San Ignacio | 1109 | Burns Avenue |
Dolled by Natalie | 1875 | Eve Street |
Ebuy Belize | 1511 | 36 Burns Avenue |
Eddie’s Art Gallery | 1515 | Shawville |
Flastronics | 1612 | Carmelita Area, Santa Familia |
Forever Young Fashion | 1987 | 10 Burns Avenue |
Gentleman’s Gym | 1823 | Eighteenth Street |
Golden Cutz Barber Shop | 1139 | Maya Street |
Gordos Meat Shop | 1134 | San Ignacio Market |
Guru Electronics | 1548 | Savannah Street Manzanero Building |
Hegar Auto Center-TL | 1724 | 36 Joseph Andrews Drive |
Hegar’s Bio Medical Center | 1412 | Josephs Andrews Drive |
Hode’s Place | 1057 | Savannah Road |
In Style by Sir James Paul | 1722 | 22 Bullet Tree Road |
Jairo’s Pizza | 1974 | 26 George Price Highway |
Jalapenos | 1788 | Benque Viejo Road |
Juan Chuc and Sons | 1380 | 31 Bullet Tree Road |
KY Boyz II Men Closet | 1811 | West Street |
Kontiki Cevicheria Bar | 1415 | 9 Wolf Street |
L’s Stop N Shop | 1404 | Burns Avenue |
Lex Barber Shop | 1782 | 29 Burns Avenue |
Lobos Meat Shop | 1980 | 2 Bella Vista Street |
Love Town Coffee and Boba Tea | 1080 | 77 Joseph Andrews Drive, San Ignacio |
Mama Mia | 1736 | 89 Benque Viejo Road |
Mi Belle Institute | 1404 | Burns Avenue |
Mi Driva | 1404 | Branch Mouth Road |
Midas Resort Limited | 1332 | Branch Mouth Road |
Miss Ds Fast Food | 1952 | Burns Avenue |
Mista Pick-Up | 1210 | Carlos Habet Layout |
MLS Tavern Restaurant | 1822 | 99 Bullet Tree Road |
Mom & Me | 1060 | Burns Avenue |
Mungz Barber Shop | 1797 | 11 A Galvez Street |
NB Creations | 1580 | Cahal Pech Area |
Nice Snacks | 1348 | Buena Vista Development |
Noble Business Strategists | 1720 | Kings Street |
Papa Churros | 1570 | 2nd Street |
Pupuseria T & J | 1454 | 14 B Vaca Street |
Pupuseria La Exquisita | 1516 | Savannah Area, Down Town |
Paw’s Veterinary Clinic | 1405 | 1 Joseph Andrews Drive |
Pizza Boys Pizza 2 | 1524 | 26 Bullet Tree Road |
Pops Resturant | 1073 | West Street |
Recinos Bakery and Café | 1656 | 44 Joseph Andrews |
Spotlight Services | 1383 | 31 Joseph Andrews Drive |
Summit Auto Parts | 1379 | 6 Stanton Street |
Summer Drink | 1986 | 203 George Price Highway |
Studio 7 | 1266 | 53 Burns Avenue |
The Little Gift Shop | 1886 | 4A Benque Viejo Road |
The Corner Diner | 1760 | 40 Joseph Andrews Drive |
The New French Bakery | 1763 | Savannah Street |
Trins Restaurant and Bar | 1719 | 1 A Mossiah Street |
Umbraland Boots | 1941 | 3 Aslow Lane |
Vale’s Procraft Printing | 1382 | 42 George Price Highway |
Variedades Lozano | 1971 | Burns Avenue |
Venus Hotel | 11137 | Burns Avenue |
Welcome Center Med Stop | 1610 | 7 Savannah Street |
Westside Shopping Center | 1984 | 5 West Street |
Wild Roots | 1751 | 6 Far West Street |
Wine Smith Limited | 1877 | 73 Bullet Tree Road |
Yolis Pizza 2 | 1148 | Welcome Center |
ABM Sea Food | 1414 | 161 George Price Highway |
AgroVet Jiron and Sons Limited | 1938 | Mile 67 George Price Highway |
Anthony’s Supermarket | 1374 | 98 George Price Highway |
ANL Santa Elena | 1063 | Santa Elena |
Belizean Queen Freight Services Limited | 2605 | Loma Luz Blvd |
Carillo Puerto Service Station | 1378 | 80 George Price Highway |
Chen’s Supermarket | 1040 | George Price Highway |
Complex Bar and Grill | 1783 | 16 Bradley Street |
D’s Pastries | 1958 | 7 Cristo Rey Road |
Delia’s Decorator Center | 1467 | 87 A George Price Highway |
E and J Little Grill BBQ | 1726 | 40142 George Price Highway |
EL ARTE | 2480 | 197 George Price Highway, Santa Elena |
E.R Printing & Computer Center | 1373 | 62 Mount Ebenezer Street |
i Signature Designs | 1940 | 40/42 George Price Highway |
Kankrete Aestetiks | 1536 | Camalote Village |
La Pasadita | 1982 | 30 La Loma Luz Blvd |
Max Services | 1611 | 6B George Price Highway |
Navarros Butane Gas | 1664 | Star Apple Street |
Project XYZ Entertainment Finesse Lounge | 2340 | 189 George Price Highway, Santa Elena, Cayo |
Stevens Barber Shop | 1455 | 1 Aguada Street |
The Ceviche Bar | 1456 | 13 Star Apple Street |
The Hive Bistro | 2212 | 47 Perez Street, Santa Elena |
Treasure Hub 501 | 2367 | San Kara Street, Santa Elena, Cayo |
WL Shopping Outlet | 1661 | 93 George Price Highway, Santa Elena |
222 Productions | 1707 | Placencia Main Road, Placencia |
Ady’s Mini Shop | 1637 | Placencia Sidewalk, Placencia |
Alicia’s Food Salon | 2332 | Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek Village |
Angel Delights | 1645 | Placencia Village |
Arrecife Handmade | 1693 | 223 Caribbean Way |
Ashton Shopping | 1698 | Seine Bight Village |
Bad Decision | 2269 | 274 Independence Ave, Independence Village |
Banana Enterprises Limited Belagro | 2064 | Big Creek Independence Village |
Barry’s Taxi Service | 2381 | Sundown Trail Street, Independence Village |
B and G Store | 1293 | Hopkins Village |
Belize Mexican Tacos | 1642 | Placencia Village |
Brew Cloud Café | 2390 | Happy Ave, Independence Village |
Clusterz Limited | 2359 | Independence Village |
Coco Supermarket | 2453 | San Roman Village, Stann Creek District |
Coconut Row Ltd | 1835 | Hopkins Village |
David Cleaning Service | 2401 | Gutwill Avenue, Independence village |
Devine Store | 1858 | Flamboyant Street, Independence Village |
Fina’s Shop | 2426 | Alta Vista Village, Stann Creek District |
Independence Lumber Yard | 2358 | 335 Survivors Lane, Independence Village |
Irma Barrientos DBA J&A Mini Shop | 2334 | Kendall Village, Stann Creek |
Joshmar Service | 2385 | 21 Independence Ave, Independence Village |
Jota Ka | 2397 | New Site Area, Independence Village |
Ken’s Hardware | 2382 | 97 Independence Ave, Independence Village |
Keys’s Kitchen | 2378 | Independence Village |
Mayan World Destinations Ltd | 2329 | South Stann Creek Village, Stann Creek District |
Morey Delivery Service | 2392 | Lester Richards Street, Independence Village |
Perez Computech Service | 2388 | Lester Richards Street, Independence Village |
Steven Green DBA Runman Read | 2384 | Elm Street, Independence Village |
Tienda Miss J | 2330 | Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek |
TLZ Pharmacy | 2389 | Toucan Street, Independence Village |
Wide Awake Café | 2379 | Big Creek Road, Independence Village |
Xin Qing Superstore | 2454 | Maya Center Village, Stann Creek District |
Amas Meat Shop | 1965 | Buena Vista Village |
Kaal’s Shop | 2417 | San Antonio Village, Toledo District |
Matildo Salama Grocery | 2341 | San Antonio Village, Toledo District |
What is a DigiWallet Agent?
A DigiWallet Agent offers customers the convenience and facility to be able to Cash-In (Add funds to their DigiWallet Account) or Cash-Out (Withdrawing funds from their their DigiWallet Account).
Business Name | Address |
88 Shopping Center | Cor. 55 Neal Penn Road & Central American Boulevard, Belize City |
Alternate Networks Limited (Santa Elena) | 143 George Price Highway, Santa Elena Town |
Alternate Networks Limited (San Ignacio) | 57 Joseph Andrews Drive, San Ignacio Town |
Alternate Networks Limited (Benque) | George Price Boulevard, Benque Viejo del Carmen |
Ana Store | Flamboyant Street |
Belama Best Buy | Soberanes Street Belama Phase |
Belize Chamber of Commerce | 4792 Coney Drive, Belize City |
Catalyst Tech | Santa Cruz Village |
Cardinal Hardware | 3433 Cardinal Ave Belmopan |
Coworking Enterprise(Agent) | San Lazaro Village, Orange Walk |
Cayo Bakery | 18th Street San Ignacio Town |
D&S Family Store | 3, Burns Avenue, San Ignacio |
Day to Day Store | 14 Guatemala Street San Martin |
Digi Store – Signature Store | Mirab Store, Phillip Goldson Highway, Belize City |
Digi Store – Flagship Store | Regent Street, Belize City |
Digi Store – Ladyville | Old Airport Road, Ladyville |
Digi Store – Belmopan | Bliss Parade, Belmopan City |
Digi Store – Caye Caulker | Back Street, Caye Caulker |
Digi Store – Corozal | 5th Avenue, Corozal Town |
Digi Store – Dangriga | Commerce Street, Dangriga Town |
Digi Store – Independence | Independence Road, Independence Village |
Digi Store – Orange Walk | Main Street, Orange Walk Town |
Digi Store – Placencia | Main Street, Placencia Village |
Digi Store – Punta Gorda | King/Main Street, Punta Gorda Town |
Digi Store – San Ignacio | Burns Avenue, San Ignacio Town |
Digi Store – San Pedro | Pescador Drive, San Pedro Town |
Ding Feng Store | San Narciso Village, Corozal |
Doony’s Limited | 57 Albert Street, Belize City |
Douggy’s Country Shop | Maskall Village |
Ds Mart | Sarteneja Village |
El Mangito Dinner | Armenia |
Esha Collection | 10th 1st Street South, Corozal Town |
Eternal Super Store | Jose Maria Nunez Street |
Fansico Supermarket | 4425 NimLiPunit Street |
Franco Super Store | Camalotte Village |
Freetown Drug Store | 28 Freetown Road |
Gmart Supermarket | San Estevan Village, Orange Walk |
GnJ Mart | 339 Fadden Avenue |
Go Slow Enterprise Ltd. | Luciano Reyes Street, Caye Caulker |
Go Wireless (West Collet Canal) | West Collet Canal, Belize City |
Go Wireless (Phillip Goldson) | Phillip Goldson Highway, Belize City |
Havana Convenience Store | Havana Street, Dangriga Town |
Helen Wu Store | 4 Y Avenue, Burrell Boom Village |
Humes Family Store | Santa Familia Village |
Intranet Systems | 58 George Price Blvd, Benque Viejo Del Carmen |
Impact Dangriga | 91 Commerce Street |
In Style Store | #3 Belize Corozal Road |
Jennelle Trucking Company Limited | 5 ½ Miles George Price Highway |
James Yao Shop | Jose Maria Nunez Street |
Joes Meat Shop | 28 A Central American Boulevard , Belize City |
Joe’s Meat Shop (San Pedro) | 69 Pescador Drive, San Pedro Town |
Keystore Limited | Santa Cruz Village |
Landy’s & Sons | #141 Belize Corozal Road |
La Perla Negra Cool Spot | Buena Vista Village |
Loreli Ship and Shop | 10 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville |
Lubell’s Professional Collecting and Saving Services | Otro Benque Road, Orange Walk Town |
Matildo Salam DBA Matildo Salam Grocery | San Antonio Village |
Medicare Plus Pharmacy | 1357 Market Square |
Mejoremos Pharmacy and Clinic | San Narciso Village, Corozal |
Ming Yang Shop | 35 Main Street |
New Flags | 144 George Price Highway, Santa Elena |
Park Way City | 1st North Street, Corozal Town |
PharmaSafe | Coconut Drive |
Puma Roundabout Service Station Co Ltd | 2 Miles George Price Highway, Belize City |
Puma Shanghai Service Station | 5455 Hummingbird Highway |
Rainbow Town Supermarket | 5th Street North |
Red Creek Service Station | 241 George Price Highway, Santa Elena |
River Valley Supplies Supermarket | Scotland Halfmoon Village |
Rufos Store | Xaibe Village |
San Narciso Hai Yan Supermarket | San Narciso Village, Corozal |
Shashamani Repairs | 7 Plum Street, Dangriga |
SJ Multiservice Supplies | San Jose Village, Orange Walk |
Sound Warehouse | Tangerine Street, Orange Walk Town |
SP Super Savers Company Ltd. | 3rd Street South |
Steve’s Mobile Accessories and Services | San Juan Village |
Super Sky Company Ltd | Calle Del Sol Middle Street |
Teul’s Grocery Store & Hardware | RK Pennil Boulevard |
The Hive Bistro | 47 Perez Street, Santa Elena |
Toto’s Store | Orange Street, Belize City |
Tow Tow Grocery | 6772 Mahogany Street, Belize City |
Tsai Convenient Store | 5963 Campus Avenue |
Unicare Pharmacy | San Andres Road, Corozal Town |
UNO Gas Station | 1.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway, Belize City |
Westar Truck Stop | Roaring Creek |
Yo Creek Service Station | Yo Creek Village |