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Business NameMerchant IDAddress
1st Klass Catering1915Online
88 Shopping Center1533Cor. Central American Boulevard & Neil’s Penn Road
501 Properties Ltd10121.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
501 Signature Promotion22852429 Palm Grove Estate
A & S Beautyy and Spa24707112 Pelican Street
A1 Beautician202514 4th Street King Spark
ABC Community Nursing Services1680Mobile
ABC Solutions Belize DBA A1 Courier Service Belize24034 Eleanor Usher Street
A C Enterprise Cosmos 15977 Orange Street
A and E Mini Market211265 Freetown Road
A and U Snack Shop2557Barrack Road (Inside Icon Building)
Abraham Hair Moda13553679 Blue Marlin Blvd
Admirals Place1192Municipal Airstrip
Advance Dental Care Belize24677 St. Thomas Street
Agua Magica13012.5 Miles Philip Goldson Highway
Afta Owas 14214107 Flamboyant Street
Ailyanis1250Orange Street
Allan Di Real McCoy Saxophone Musician21793 Miles George Price Highway
Amaney OO Fast Food 100627 Freetown Road
Amin Super Market215444 Queen Street, Belize City
Amjay Nails2026126 East Collect Canal
Antojitos La Casita 14195 Coney Drive
Anson Snacks13635 Princess Margaret Drive
Ashlee’s Baked Creation104123 Albert Street Est
Athanee Creative Touch13606929 Electric Avenue
Autism Belize 12863.5 Miles Philip Goldson Highway
Baaba Jack21657 George Street, Belize City Belize
Baeza’s Tacos 1451Coney Drive
Baked Artisan Bakery 1492Cor. H & 17 Street, Kings Park
B and H Shop and Fast Food 13616636 Mahogany Street
Bakeology by Bakeaholic 14411308 Crown Cone Ave
Batted and Baked1203Gabourel Lane
Belama Best Buy1569Juliet Soberanis Street
Belize Auto Traders 14171 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
Belize Chamber of Commerce 15214792 Coney Drive
Belize City Tacos2475Mahogany Street
Belize Dry Cleaners18723 Dolphin Street
Belize Inna Cup1477No.4 6th Street Kings Park
Belize Tourism Board150064 Regent Street, Belize City
Belize Vision Center 13889 Daly Street
Big Pipple Pawty2062Online
Birds Isle Restaurant 104190 Albert Street
Bleu By Einar Marin10581048 Bachelors Avenue
Blue Check Barbershop16783 A Queen Street
Bradley’s Backyard BBQ1009Newtown Barracks
Bricks and Books Ltd.246517 Regent Street, Belize City
Brooklyn N Cali227012 Daly Street
Browns Auto Service16756 Pitter Street
Buckey’s Coffee & Gift Shop 1154New Road
C and K Supermarket143916 Jasmine Street
Caribbean Sprinter Limited231310 North Front Street, Belize City
Carlos Café Express241625 Daly Street
Carry On 174727 Albert Street
Cellular World (Queen Street)135153 Queen Street
Cellular World (Albert Street)1351Albert Street
Central Bites1353Central American Boulevard
Centennial Belize Limited 15381 North Front Street
Central Drug Store 12521 Market Square
Ceviche Express 1236Cor. St. Thomas & Don Street
Cevicheria Amiga Restaurant1742#33 Zericote Street
Celebrity Resturant and Bar 1032Marine Parade Blvd.
Cheeks174727 Albert Street
Chef Roger10041637 Spain Avenue
Chiffs Deli19312 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway (Publics Deli)
CK Girls2442113 Cemetery Road, Belize City
Clean Choice21233 Calle Al Mar, Belize City
Chon Saan Palace 8888Kelly Street
Cielo Creative Studio and Media 100298 Princess Margaret Drive
Cork Street Whiskey Bar 152919 Cork Street
Cosmic Pharmacy212041 Holy Emmanuel Avenue, Belize City
Creation Cuts1892100 North Front Street
Culture Apparel 153493 Poinsettia St
C.Y. Music202713 West Collect Canal
D Barber2028126 East collect Canal
D an D Diner14235542 Leslie Street
D & M Wholesale and Retail15561095 McVille Road
Da Buzz Restaurant1195Phillip Goldson Highway
Dainty Cakes By Caricia King2136108 East Windmill Area, Hattiville
Dave AC World2111Chetumal Street
Daphne’s Lagoon Lodge1682Northern Lagoon
Darios Meatpie138933 Hydes Lane
Dawson’s Consulting Services25965529 St. Thomas Street
DB Towers2113Chetumal Street
Dessa Closet202968 Corner Cemetery Road & Dolphin Street
D Tech2023150 East Collet Canal
Diaz Engineering Solutions20209174 M & Y Street
Di Bruwry 1530Old Airport Road
Digi Store – Mirab1102Mirab Store, Phillip Goldson Highway
Digi Store – Regent Street1101Regent Street
Digital Learning and Pedological Solutions Ltd2546Online
Dit’s Restaurant 152650 Kings Street
Don Ceviche1122Bliss Light House
Doonys Ltd1067Albert Street
Dot Box Donuts152829A Baymen Avenue
Dr. Rosella Cuellar’s Dental Clinic2241Dr. Rosella Cuellar’s Dental Clinic
Dream Nail and Hair Salon22444 Hopkins Street, Kings Park Area, Belize City
EAL Imports16482511 Sir Sandy Hunter Street
Ease Technology16813874 Coral Grove
Elrhy’s Cool Place 1426193 Neal Pen Road
Empire Entertainment 15061095 Meville Road
Eric Supermarket18704 Bachelor Avenue
Eve Secrets109920 Freetown Road
Everything Elsy1762Online
Eye Candy212192 Barrack Road, Belize City
Fabulash and Brow Beautique 14494 ½ Miles, Phillip Goldson Highway
Face & Body Painting Belize21685.5 Miles George Price Highway
Fashion Magnet2030126 East Collect Canal
Fashion On The Go2031Albert Avenue, Belama Phase 1
Father and Son Computers and Bike Shop237425 Daly Street
Favourite Restaurant and Grocery Shop224338 Central American Blvd, Belize City
Fede Estverne Photography 15321222 Blue Marlin Boulevard
Ferguson Digital Images211434 Partridge Street, Belize City
Filter Pure Solutions 24821061 Durgeon Drive
Fine Taste1152Marine Parade Blvd.
First Down Electronics15785993 Campus Avenue
Flawless Nails By Dede216650 King Street, Belize City
Flavaz Deck N Grill1550Flavaz Deck N Grill
FlavourFizz Shack1992Mobile
Flo’s Pristine Services2455“Nutmeg Street “
Flor A Sol Flowers123816th Street
Four Sqaure1316Phillip Goldson Highway
Free Town Drug Store101628 Freetown Drug Store
Frisky Little Business1069Online
Frozen (Belize City)1242Buttonwood Bay Boulevard
Fultec Systems Ltd. 1030831 Coney Drive
Galaxy Kids 12549 Orange Street
Gen Cleaners21727 Coney Drive
Genisis Fashion203224 B 6th Street
Godwin Moody Computer1684303 Chetumal Street
Go Wireless (PGHW) 1196Phillip Goldson Highway
Go Wireless (West Collet Canal)1199West Collet Canal
Golden Bay1194Marine Parade Blvd.
Golden Sky Store118632 Cemetery Road
Gordito Drap Off2157Warrior Street
Glo Recuitment and HR15862930 Rivero Street
Global Leadership Network155230 Newtown Barracks
Good Care Pharmacy 1599104 Cemetery Road
GS-COM16578 Baymen Avenue
Gwens Kitchen 21288Coney Drive
H & R Trucking and Detailing 14168 Jimmy Dyer Street
Hair By Indy2033126 East collect Canal
Hangers Clothing212617 Orange Street, Belize City
Hano Coffee10423674 Blue Marlin Blvd.
Health and Fitness 200015731442 Coney Drive, Belize City
Everything Lexis136454 Euphrates Avenue
Holly Corner 1354Downtown Plaza Unit G
Hook Up 2 16253680 University Boulevard
Hoy Eye Center1072Cor. St Thomas and St. Joseph Street
ILOVEGRAZINGBOARDS18045534 Leslie Avenue, Belize City
Jadore Belize 1150Online
J and K Colors Icecream13346121 Seashore Drive
J and W Shopping Mart109022 6th Street
James Brodie & Co Ltd (Phillip Goldson HighWay)1201Mile 2 1/2 Philip Goldson Hwy (Northern Highway)
James Brodie & Co Ltd (Albert Street)1201Albert Street
James Shopping Center1136New Town Barracks
Jannat Koyes Store203423 Wood Street
JaVic Solutions Limited18714.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
JB s Auto Care & General Cleaning Services2134127 Barrack Road, Belize City
Jennells Trucking Company Ltd21325 1/2 Miles George Price Highway
Jevons Fruits Nuts and Wines200316 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway, Sandhill
Joes Meat Shop Bze City1121Central American Blvd.
Jo Jo Restaurant24785922 St. Thomas Street
Julian Leslie230355 Mahogany Street, Belize City
Jus Roll1390Mobile Food Truck
Kandles by Kay147011 C Street
KC’s Grab and Go2220Booth 425, BTL Park, Barrack Road, Belize City
Kenia’s Meat Shop2158551 Buttonwood bay
KFC Cetering148535 Amara Avenue
King Cutz1017Northern Shops, Phillip Goldson Highway
King’s Tattoo Studio24594334 Faber’s Road Extension
Kim’s Grab And GO230455 Mahogany Street, Belize City
Kisses203527 Albert Street
Khy’s Kreamy Kreation157621 Mex Avenue
Krazzy Kups 1249Northern Shops, Phillip Goldson Highway
KSR Cyber Security1991Online
Ladyville Highlights2036Red Bell Street
Lani189691 North Front Street
L Castillo Garage 1237Electric Avenue
La Chic Melange217512 Douglas Jones Street Belize City
Lagom Terrace1155Hopkins Street
Lanza’s Property Maintenance2124Isabella Bank
La Vita E Bella Wax Studio2110Young Street
Le Tarian2425C & Downtown Palaza
Little Farmhouse Soaps1650Online
Live To Eat21425 Juliet Soberanis Street, Belize City
Lila Love Massage And Body Care 152378 Freetown Road
Little Johns Corner109724 Landivar Street
Lucky Star 2106483 Central American Boulevard
Lyndon Peters Auto2476Coney Drive
Madisco Company Limited23685 Cleghorn Street, Belize City
Magic Boutique159620 Blue Marlin Boulevard
Magic Fingers1240Cemetery Road
Mahi Beauty Salon212736 Church Street, Belize City
Mama Fide Restaurant and Bar22843862 Coney Drive
Mama Rosa1124359 Mateo Ayuso Street
Mapp Street Market Place 15252 Mapp Street
Marele Import2055Pound Yard Business Plaza
Mars Distributors18893 Vernon Street
Mary’s BBQ & Tacos 1493Philip Goldson Highway
Matus Medical Supplies Good Care 16016 St. Thomas Street
Mayas Electronics Limited158736 Queen Street
Maya Sew and So1123Albert Street
Mega Printing2310Boost Cresent
Meal Prep171227 Albert Street
Mclean Insurance Brokers and Risk109125 3rd St Kings Park Area
Meat Supply Butchery13175552 Baymen Ave
Meraki Beauty Point103953 Prince Street
Mendez Dermatology and Aesthetics Company Ltd21251234 Sunray Ave, Belize City
Mia’s Mini Market1928Holy Emmanuel Street
Mid-Town Grocery Store 143863 Albert Street
Midtown Restaurant & Bar1128New Town Barracks
Mikado Textile Store1185Albert Street
Milani’s Place1197Albert Street
Miss Debs1344Mobile Food Truck
Miss Den’s Food Galore1365No.1 St. Thomas Street
MNG Jewelry Galore167640 Amara Avenue
Moorish Food and Beverages Vendors MGG2018Princess Margaret Drive, Belize City, Belize
Moon Grocery 14611743 Coney Drive
Multimedia Services (Shell Gas Station)25402 1/2 Miles Gas Station
M Shop20512.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
My Bites Bz24335 Cleghorn Street
Nail’d It 14425765 Meighan Avenue
Nana’s Playland Limited22682495 Chetumal Street, Belize City
Nari Self Care 15398002 La Croix Blvd
Natural Choice Belize21558 Independence Drive, Button Wood Bay, Belize City
Natural Vibes196416 Hudson Street, Belize City
Nephelines Kitchen24604335 Faber’s Road Extension
New Road Supermarket1153New Road
New Face Latinos Barber Shop22195759 Calle Al Mar, Belize City
Nice Products24526202 Park Avenue, Button Wood Bay
No Fear Promotions1225Coffin Street
Novelo’s Cosmetic and Consultation237343 Hydes Lane, Belize City, Belize District
Now and Forever 1352Downtown Plaza Unit H
Od’s Fashion and Beauty Supplies193928A Freetown Road
Oilalah Beauty Belize205829 Albert Street
Oltsil Day Spa1555173 Juliet Soberanis Street
Om Shanti Belize A Center For Yoga and Wellness2471Belize City
One Med Virtual Clinic 14439 ¾ Miles, Phillip Goldson Hwy
One South Place24581 South Street, Belize City
Oxygen Boutique1893Freetown Road
Palomo’s Dental Center2174Cor. St. Thomas and St. Joseph Street, Belize City
Pandy’s Barber Shop205365 Cemetery Road, Belize City
Petunia On The Go2466Old Belize, 5 1/2 Miles George Price Highway
Phoenix Boutique 18822622 Mercy Lane
Pills Pharmacy1375185 Albert Hoy Ave
Pizza and Wings18009 Barracuda Street
Poor And Famous Culture Club2159194 Racoon Street, Belize City
Pretty Smokey24041756 Coney Drive
Print Flex2052126 East Collect Canal
Print Shop JK119127 Albert Street Unit C14
Puma Roundabout Service Station1207Corner George Price Highway & Fabers Road
Queens Grab and Go Co Ltd18066195 Button Wood Bay
RF&G Insurance Company Limited 1427No.1 Coney Drive
Rakhi’s Salon Studio167763 Albert Street
Rali’s Takeout 122769 Albert Hoy Ave.
Road Runnaz Courier Service1912Mobile Service
Rosh’s Stuffed Jalapenos20164214 Fern Lane, Belize City
Roje Group Medical Supplies and Equipment 1320128 Regent St
S.A.J.A’s Lunchbox & Caterings 14897535 Rio Grande Crescent
S Cambranes and Sons 108413 Freetown Road
Safe Way Drugs Store138745 Central American Blvd
SAFE13152.5 Phillip Goldson Highway
SAVE U Supermarket2278Belcan Bridge
San Pedro Belize Express Water Taxi Limited2510111 North Front Street, Belize City, Belize
Sai Bodega133532 6th Street
Sams Mini Mart123990 West Collet Canal
Sangria Mia109855 Chetumal Street
Santo Tacos1005Northern Shops, Phillip Goldson Highway
Sea Shore Store 13142.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
Second Closet1969101 Freetown Road
Secret Garden Restaurant24235 Cork Street, Belize City
Selina’s Merchandise2556Online
Selly Boutique 1251East Collet Canal
Senor Coconut192996 Barrack Road, Belize City
Shanice Beauty Lounge22423 Barrack Road, Belize City
Shalom Fashion1010Downtown Plaza, Albert St.
Sherms Village Gyal Diner 1465Freetown Road
Shining Star 1255Orange Street
Signature Deck1202Farmers Market
Simmons Grill1075267 Mantaray Boulevard
Simon Quan & Co. Ltd.1228Queen Street
Siir Billionaire Holdings Co Ltd 1386Phillip Goldson Highway
SLD Law Office2119109 Cemetery Road
Smok’D 109546 North Front Street
Smithy’s Natural Blend148711 Lakeview Street
Smokeez Seaside Restaurant & Bar147363 Seashore Drive
Social Lounge1151Phillip Goldson Highway
Southern Queens1746Online
South Side Mini Mart174923 Albert Street Est
Starhall Jusco10962557 Central American Blvd
Start Fresh Skin Care23009.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
Step By Step Daycare22401517 Pride Avenue, Belize City
Stinging Scorpio Body Piercing2122112 Barrack Road, Belize City
Stuarts Courier Service1130Madam Liz Ave.
Sugar Fix Bakery1025Heusner Crescent
Sugar Fix On the Go1003Chetumal Street
Sumana Store201935 Fabers Road
SUN LED Services15726522 Central American Blvd
Tacos Don Carlos (Belize City)1206Corner St. Thomas St. & Freetown Road
Taka Kitchen20411 Corner of Hutson Street & Marine Parade
Techlizean2042270 Bella Vista
The Butchery Counter1318Pound Yard Plaza, W Collet St
The Beauty Room Salon204319 Orange Street
The Dream Barber Shop204495 Cemetery Road
The Fine Taste1152Cr. Hudson Street and, Marine Parade Blvd
The Great Fella 14607006 Antelope Street Ext
The ILS Phoenix      16518251 Ivor Street
The Jewelry Hub17179.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
The Phoenix Boutique18822622 Mercy Lane
The Pit Stop (Belize City)13595944 Buttonwood Bay Boulevard
The Stationery House Retail Outlet Ltd. 16736 Slaugherhouse Road
The Tavern 15312 Mapp Street
The Whisk146911 C Street
Thirsty Thursday1129New Town Barracks
Tong Hay Tuen Fast Food107728 A Baymen Avenue
Tonys Store1089Daly Street
Toto’s159815 George Street
Tow Tow Grocery10856772 Mahogany Street
Travellers Liquor1217Phillip Goldson Highway
Tropicana 1155833 Albert Street
T-Shirt Factory15772.5 Miles Philip Goldson Highway
Twin Supermarket15595526 St. Thomas Street
Un Shop 159512 D Street Kings Park Area
UNO Gas Station (Phillip Goldson Highway)10151.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
U.S Store205477 Cemetery Road
Usher’s Footlocker215611 Barrack Road, Belize City
Val U Med 16792613 Princess Margaret Drive
Vansen’s Restaurant2372Booth 19 BTL Park, Barrack Road
Vargas Fast Food 15273 Mile Phillip Goldson Highway
VCM Link Bz218012 Simon Lamb Street, Kings Park
Vin Fa Shopping Center   160393 Cemetery Road
Vino Tinto1198Marine Parade Blvd.
VIP Online2173Online
Wash and Fold1802186 Albert Hoy Avenue
Wellworth Store1253Regent Street
Wendy’s Fast Food13763302A Coney Drive Coral Grove
William Quan and Co. Ltd. 167417 Albert Street
Williams Supermarket 2107926 Central American Boulevard
Wilmac’s Pharmacy 1602121 Cemetery Road
Wine Time159245 Cran Street
Wolfe Auto10203 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
Yasin Store2547Cemetery Road (Pound Yard)
Yogo Bean (Philip Goldson Highway) 1204Phillip Goldson Highway
Youngs Automotive 13911752 Coney Drive
Zen Multi Services1273Gill Street
1st Choice Electrical 14254 Young Bank, Ladyville
24/7 Gas station1336Lord’s Bank
Abi-Su’s Meats & Plus1895115 Crab Catcher, Ladyville Village
Alpha Technology245661 Old Well Road, Lords bank
Belize Spring Fresh Products243260 Al tun H Street, Lords Bank
Black Orchid Resort 1272Burrell Boom
Brew Coffee House1156Unit 3, Mile 10 Philip Goldson Hwy Teichroeb Building, Ladyville
Buccanners Tavern1100Old Airport Road, Ladyville
Burrell Boom Pharmacy 1267Y Avenue, Burrell Boom Village
Caribbean Shrimp Restaurant1193100 Marage Road, Ladyville
Courier Kings1330259 Los Lagos
CT Mart21318 Miles George Price Highway
D & R Grocery & Fast Food233722 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
Dalla Wings193298 Poinsettia Street, Ladyville Village
Deb’s Trinket Box2161Vista Del Mar
Digi Store – Ladyville1103Old Airport Road
DsolutionTech234227 Miles Philip Goldson Highway
Everyday Supermarket & Gas Station 1183George Price Highway, Hattieville
Family Care Pharmacy & Clinic Ltd18949 3/4 mls Philip Goldson Highway
Fu Wi Falvaz230119 Mile George price highway
Garden Restaurant2279Maskall Village
Gear Tech Auto Solutions242922 1/2 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
Helen Wu Store1271Burrell Boom
KamCas Printing Service 251417 Arizona Road, Ladyville
KenShan Tours2562Burrell Boom
Leverage International 1437250 Fresh Pond
Lee’s Premium Meat239431 Mahogany Heights Village
Lords Bank Supermarket 139926 Lords Bank Road
Madlink25751115 Sea Orchid Drive
Marci’s Online Boutique 1466Blue Jay Street
Manatee Lookout1200Phillip Goldson Highway, Ladyville
MD Restaurant & Bar2574Lords Bank
Mr. T Chicken Lickin Food Truck2266Ladyville Village
One Love Food Truck21308 Miles Corner John Smith Road
Pharmacy Plus2519Ladyville Village
Perez Tamales Shop24399 1/4 Miles Phillip Goldson Hwy, Ladyville
Prosser Fertilizer and Agrotec Company Limited1916Mile 7 1/2 George Price Highway
Pure and Natural Hair Products 1462Mussell Creek Road
QB Shop233621 Saunders Street, Hattieville Village
RH Photo Limited190712.5 Miles Phillip Goldson Highway
Rockey Trail2445Altun Ha Rock Stone Pond
River Valley Supplies Gas Station1268Scotland Halfmoon
River Valley Supplies II1270Double Head Cabbage
River Valley Supplies Supermarket1269Bermudian Landing
Sabrinas Mini Mart19148 1/2 mls Philip Goldson Highway, Ladyville Village
Safyre Jewellery136629 Lords Bank
SOL CLAY Jewelery15916 Green Estate
Tropical Blend213383 Cahal Pech Street, Lords Bank
The Howler Jungle House2563Burrell Boom Village
The Iguana Stop 1505Burrell Boom Village
The Party Box by Al1930Boston Village
Vasquez Family Store2272Spanish Town Maskall Village
Vision Tech Consultancy and Solutions171822 Lords Bank, Ladyville
Twinz Closet1622112 Sea Urchin Drive
Village Style Restaurant244012 1/ 2 Mile Phillip Goldson Hwy, Ladyville
Virtual Center13379 3/4 Miles Philip Goldson Highway, Ladyville
We Care Pharmacy18018 1/2 Miles George Price Highway
Winston Galvez243452 New Spanish Town, Lord’s Bank
Yan Chen Store2526288 Scissors Tail, Ladyville
Yemy Farm Belize210331 Mls Phillip Goldson Highway, Crooked Tree
1688 Shopping Center 13402 Mahogany Street
99 Supermarket1345Nim Li Punit St
A and K Mini Shop 139627 Dunn Street
Adrian Zavala DBA Anime World246374 Panama Street Extension
Art Box Company Limited212946 Miles George Price Highway
Amor Turquesa Boutique1979Market Plaza
Angles Rotissarrie 1054Garza Ave.
Aria’s Lounge 1409Kai Mat Street
Babu Imports17578 Mamie Apple Street
Ba Sheng Lun Supermarket 13274415 Nim Li Punit St
Baracks Trading Center1056Mountain View Blvd.
Bedazzle Me2281Market Plaza
Belizean Rice and Memes213513 Tapir Street
Bellavis Bistro13117560 Doyle’s Delight Street
Belmopan Hardware 12121 Mussel Creek St.
Belmopan Service Station Ltd1341Constitution Drive
Belsur Cleaning Service216420 Antelope Street
Best Care Pharmacy Ltd 186818 San Martin Avenue
Best Choice Purified Water and Beverages17325534 University Blvd
Betta Park Solutions130020 Tiger Ave
Books School and Office Supplies1138Saint Martin Ave.
Buca Services Co Ltd 147622 Constitution Drive Belmopan
C & J Enterprise1141Shopping Center
Cafe Percolatte 1052Mountain View Blvd.
Calahans2005Culvert Yard Road
Cass Industries1891Aguaviva Hummingbird Highway
Caladium Restaurant1458Market Square
Capital Jewel12852nd Floor Venus Complex
Cano’s Courier Service 14084 Mount Mossey Street
Cardinal Hardware20083436 Cardinal Ave
Casa Cafe172746 Forest Drive
CCCAN Laundry And Lifestyle177811 Mountain View Boulevard
Cellular World (Belmopan)1351Constitution Drive
Chon Saan Palace (Belmopan)1066Monday Morning Ave.
City Bargains Stop1145Saint Martin Ave.
Coco Gardens Ltd.1053Victoria Peak St.
Copy Xpress Plus200914 Mountain View Blvd
Corkers1343Hibiscus Plaza
C.S Energy Ltd. 14748 Forest Drive
Cybercom Research Center17282 Santa Maria Street
D&G Solutions254415 Xunantunich Street
Daag Bites19109098 J & W Housing Area
Dada’s Pizza1142Constitution Drive
Dakers Stationary & Books Limited 1046Shopping Center, Ring Road
Dangies Pibil226519 Hummingbird Highway
Dantesque1144Forest Drive
Day to Day Store1758Cor Guatemala and San Martin Streets
Dhartani Mobile 1082Market Square
Dibary Belmopan Limited1633Cardinal Avenue 27
Digi Store – Belmopan1108Bliss Parade
DK2 Net Café1125Nicaragua St.
Donny’s Rotisserie and Grill123218 Ben’s Bluff Street
Double O Restaurant and Bar12483 Pacific Street
DQ Fast Food227121 Stann Creek Street
Ebenezer Auto Tinting and Car Wash228354 55 Hummingbird Highway
El Rancho Restaurant and Bar1326Mile 47 Western Hwy
Express Beauty Salon 150915 Racoon Avenue
Fansico Supermarket 151311 Nimli Punit Street
Farahs Feminine Fashion163025 Racoon Avenue
Fashion and More 15103596 Mountain View Boulevard Unit 5 and 6
Fermosa Cafe 1001Nim Li Punit St.
First25.Bz241511 13 Trinity Blvd
Forever Tasty Cakes And Pastries18674 Toucan Avenue
Frozen (Belmopan)1242Constitution Drive
Garden City Restuarant 1081Mountain View Blvd.
Good View Restaurant15853596 Mountain View Blvd
Habibi Restaurant191715 Ring Road
Hala Madrid Restaurant1205Maravillas Ave.
Happy Family Restaurant2402Forest Drive, Belmopan
Health and Body Essentials201554 Hummingbird Highway
Heritage Coffee House Tea Bar1013Blue Creek Street
Hello Roses26062 Guatemala Street
Hibiscus Hotel1349Hibiscus Plaza Mechado Parade
Home Body2351Oriole Avenue, Belmopan
Hsin Ju Lai DBA Think Veg2361Belmopan Market Plaza
Huang Ying Supermarket2006Constitution Drive
Ice Cream Corner201436 Santa Maria Street
Ice Point1059Stann Creek St.
Jakes Pizza16327598 Canada Hill Street
Juliets Catering Service18847615 Canada Hill St
Kalgers Supermarket1115Toledo Street
Kapitall32282Belmopan Market Plaza
Kiki Witz Ltd1213Mile 46 George Price Highway
Kings Barbershop17751 Jalacte Street
Krayzi Coffee1584Corner Guadalupe St and George Price Blvd
Kuchriments252010 Antelope Avenue
KRP Enterprises2506Corner Kuxlin Ha and Massan Avenue Maya Mopan
Leslys Bed And Breakfast180730 Haulover Creek
Levitzah201213 Guanacaste Park
Lindz Handmade Treasures214112 Cayo Street
Macs Pronto Courier Service177722 Bladden Street
Madee’s227619 Lumber Street
Marlenis Closet2013Dry Creek Street
Marys Kitchen18696 Temash Street
Meraki Clothing 14018 Mandarin Street
Mayarids Spices & Nuts2474Belmopan Market
M and G Entertainment154611 Tiger Avenue
Medicare Plus Pharmacy22581357 Market Square
Mista Bee Bar Bee Que1909Cor North Ring Road and Rio Grande Ave
Mistah Tacos2340Ring Road
Miss Debs1344Mobile Food Truck
Mikes Cue Club1055Barton Creek St.
Muscle Hut Fitness Club1658Mile 54 Hummingbird Highway
New Taisan Shop 13391 Gaza Avenue
Nelly Novelo DBA Lunar Designs258923 Earlies Street
Nice Corner18082 Stann Creek Street
Nina’s Spa155313 Mahogany Street
Nutrilicious Corner1140Ring Road
Oasis AJs Restaurant1967Rivera Area
Omni Studio2308Online Store
Orbes Restaurant and Bar1146Saint Martin Ave.
Organic Spa Academy Ltd25843229 Mussel Creek Street
Our Community Pharmacy2010Suite 104 Nim Li Punit Street
Paradise Cafe2011Market Plaza
Pearla Coralia Lopez DBA Pearls Jewelry2335Belmopan Market Plaza
Plutos Pastries 1049Flowers Street
Precise Cuts Meat Shop1754Belen Street Maya Mopan
Prototype Industries17315 Earlies Street Cohune Walk
Proz Style Barber Shop13463 Bliss Parade Market Square
Psykey253612 McFadzean Street
Puma Shanghai Service Station22755455 Hummingbird Highway
Red Coral Store1086Barton Creek St.
Restaurante La Copaneca1143Racoon St.
Robby Run13473 Mahogany Street
San Martin Store186648 St Martin Avenue
Shekar14026 Market Square, Fire Station Market
Solos Art Studio2007Constitution Drive
Spa Trice14073 Intelco Hill Road
Simple Life16312323 Hummingbird Highway
Skyes Delight17766 Garza Avenue
Smart Care Pharmaceutical Ltd20047087 Mountain View Blvd
Spice Life16347 Monday Morning Avenue
Social Security Board1818Bliss Parade, Belmopan
Sweet Dream Entertainment and Marketing16293808 Constitution Drive
Studio 7118814 Hummingbird Ave.
Surf & Turf Deli1756Constitution Drive
Tacos Don Carlos (Belmopan) 1206Xunantunich St.
Taco Taco Mexicali Style Tacos258711 Aloe Vera Road
TAS Belize Limited 14683 Marigold Street
The Ansen Place175511 Blue Hole Street
The Brow and Lash Bar16591 Trinity Blvd Belmopan City
The Capital Print Shop 14103537 Cardinal Avenue
The Garage Restaurant and Chill Spot22341147 Butt Road
The Mall 1214Hummingbird Highway
The Market Smoothie Bar1770East Ring Road
The Plaza Consultancy 1406Market Plaza
The Smoke Shack Restaurant 14751334 Constitution Drive
The Wing Stop 1514Nim Li Punit Street
TJ Super Market1883Queen Elizabeth Blvd
Top Meats1338Nim Li Punit Street
Trinket Box2160Tul Street
Val’s Treasure Box2288Belmopan Market
Variedades Ramiro22573896 Mountain View Boulevard
Vegas Promotions24311371 Forest Drive
Zeta Belmopan16411537 Constitution Drive
King’s Barbershop17751 Jalacte Street
Nexus Consultancy Ltd.25431354 Constitution Drive
Skye’s Delight17766 Garza Avenue
CCCAN Laundry & Lifestyle177811 Mountain View Boulevard
Z’s Mad Munchies177330 Stann Creek Street
Wings and Feathers Ltd.1147Forest Drive
Agua Pura Ltd 103462 Church Street
ANL Benque Viejo Del Carmen1061Benque
Black Snapper Chill Spot1189New Area, Chapel Hill
Blazeful Vibes1935George Price Boulevard
Bonheurs Fashion1325Independence Street
Buccan Grill Restaurant 118127 Joyce Blair Street
Ceviche Shack Kitchen1955Market Plaza
Cool Runnings-Kitchen Cevicheria 1243Chapel Hill
CJS Pharmacy17934 Independence Street
Da Blessed Meatpie179423 George Price Boulevard
Eclipse Night Club1954George Price Boulevard
El Bohemio Rock Bar 1397Riverside Street
Emily Lins Store1792George Price Boulevard
Estelitas Seamstress and Variety Store1791George Price Boulevard
Eye Care Solutions 1324Independence Street
Joceli’s Fast Food1810Jose Marti Street
J C Pizza1280George Price HighWay, Benque Viejo Del Carmen
Josannie’s Variety1029Market Plaza
Hill Top Spors Bar & Restaurant1998Corner Churchill and Hudson
Kryztal Paradise178918 Burns Street
La Esquinita1906Benque Viejo Del Carmen
La Esperanza Meat Shop1820Old Bank Street
La Papuseria Benquena1665George Price Boulevard
Marcy’s Beauty Salon1796Corner of Baron Bliss and Riverside Street
Marinas Fast Food Dinner163379 Benque Viejo Road
Mini Store1790Kennedy Street
Moralez Services and Hardware1943Pedro Guerra Mena and Maya Street
MYOGURT1244Centro America Street
Nattys Kitchen1721George Street
Papa Ben’s Bar and Grill150881 Benque Viejo
Pickatoy1988Market Plaza
Xu Store1795Churchill Street
Sam Bruce Crown Jewelry and Pawn Shop 1384Arenal Road
The Seed Agent and Agro Supplies1888George Price Boulevard
Vision Electronics1953George Price Boulevard
Agave Bar and Grill2262Calle Al Sol
Anas Pupuseria1960Avenida Langosta
Bahia Convenient Store1963Bahia Puesta Del Sol
Buddy s Golf Cart Rental2259Avenida Langosta
Clouds Restaurant & Bar1962545 Alamina Drive
China Town Game & Bar1218Estrella Street
China Town Hotel1219Estrella Street
China Town Palace1220Estrella Street
Digi Store – Caye Caulker1104Back Street
El Ben Cabanas Resort 1482North Caye Caulker
Emars Pharmacy2235Estrella Street
Enjoy Supermarket1221Avenida Hicaco
Go Slow Enterprise Ltd.2177Luciano Reyes Street, Caye Caulker
Heebie Jeebies Sundae Bar1995Avenida Hicaco, Caye Caulker
Hibisca Ltd.1957Calle Al Sol, Caye Caulker
La Cubana2236Avenida Hicaco
M and Dream Supermarket2261Bahia Area
New ChinaTown Supermarket1224Front Street
Ocean Supermarket1226Avenida Hicaco
Prime Supermarket2260Front Street
Puesta Del Sol Boutique & Gift Shop1956449 Bahia Puesta Del Sol
Purple Passion Beauty Salon2002Calle Al Sol, Caye Caulker
Rx. Value Prescription Value2263Calle Al Sol
Sewfisticated By CeeCee2181154 Travelers Palm Street, Caye Caulker
Sip N Dip Beach Bar1223Front Street
Sun Rise Shopping Center122962 Front Street
Em’s Hideaway16089 Aguada Street
J and Sons Xtreme Karts2128Avenida Langosta
Maestro’s Barbershop 16079 Aguada Street
Martys Lumber and Construction Supply1959Estrella Street
Moonlight Restaurant1961Bahia Puesta Del Sol
Shanta Store 1450Avenida Langosta
The Hungry Starfish Ltd.123155 Avenida Hicaco
The Spot To Stop Bar and Grill2264Avenida Mangle
Youngs Assistant Services1990Bahia Puesto Del Sol
23 Plus Shop1785Teakettle Village
Abner Vasquez DBA Dueñas Variety Store2599Valley of Peace Village
Als Hyde Away1784Georgeville
ATM Supermarket1342Teakettle Village
BM Stop n Shop 1452Santa Familia Village
Belize Bird Rescue1655Roaring River Drive, Roaring Creek,
Central Agency 1522Roaring Creek
Chirps Chicken Sides and Fruit Shakers175031 Bullet Tree Road
Cooperativa De Servicios Varios El Progresso2600Valley of Peace Village
Dark Necessities1666Bullet Tree Falls
Delone’s Deli 1403Cotton Tree Village
DY Smoothie Craze15579 Roaring Creek Village
Ebarn153722nd Street East
Elick Chan DBA Orita Print2328Church Street; San Jose Succotz, Cayo
El Mangito Dinner1667Camalote Village
Farmacia San Jose232657 San Jose Succotz, Cayo
Flo On The Go Massage Therapy2151Another World, Roaring Creek
Franco Superstore1981Camalote Village
Garbutt Service Station Company Limited1547Roaring Creek Village
Hello Body!1564Central Farm
Hot Mamas Belize Ltd1319Mile 61 George Price Highway, Unitedville
Humes Family Store1812Santa Familia
Ireland Store1885Black Man Eddy
Kay V Store2495Penner Road, Valley of Peace
KK Mexican Tacos1821Roaring Creek
Miss Debs1344Mobile Food Truck
Orders 2 U261148.5 Western Highway
Rayito Store1299Teakettle Village
Reimer Feed Mill2061Center Avenue, Spanish Lookout
Roaring River Golf and Accommodations Ltd1287Roaring Creek
Smart Moves Ltd261048.5 Western Highway
Sweet and Sour Restaurant1936San Jose Succotz
The Cattlers Stop1933Bullet Tree Village
Hunab Ku Adventours2213Hummingbird Loop, Cristo Rey Village
Tots Restaurant and Bar1551Valley of Peace Village
Westar Bar & Restaurant1769Mile 49 George Price Highway
Westar Truck Stop1653Mile 49 George Price Highway
Banana Enterprises Limited Belagro Agriculture2064Banana Enterprises Limited Belagro Agriculture
Beth’s Deli12622nd Street North
Bio Green Shop Czl132811,Orange Street Santa Rita Layout
Caramelo1117Corner 5th Ave. & 2nd St.
Collective Preorders2447Mahogany Street, Halls Layout, Corozal Town, Corozal
Champion Pawn Shop15681 Street South Park Street
Chic Shopping Room 1011Santa Rita Road
Circle K Supermarket 1048San Andres Road
C’s Pharmacy 10832nd Street South
Corozal Service Station Limited 1492Ranchito Village
DBC Nails and Accessories17814th Avenue
Delcafe Ice Cream Spot1710ZJ Street South
Digi Store – Corozal11065th Avenue
DigiGraphix11204th Ave.
Doni & Dodits 14466 Altamira
Earth 2 Earth Cutlery 13955 Finca Solana
El Comal 12607th Avenue
ELR Consultancy2046Altamira
Esha Collection10711st Street
Euphoria 2112612nd Street North
Flex Belize161634 5th Avenue
Gamaa Solutions158922 4th Avenue
Hotel Maya 1259115 7th Ave, Corozal
ICV Brokerage1695Altamira
Ja Na Fruit Splasher16061st Street North
Jah Mundo1178Finca Solana
Itatie & Bros 147121 1st Street North
Jo Mel In1187Corner 5th Ave. & 2nd St.
Le Deliclassy1028Santa Rita Road
Magana’s Pharmacy1582South End
Mai’s Mini Shop2560Xaibe Village, Corozal
Mi Cocina1329Sea Grape Street
Mo’s Parts15677th Avenue
Mo’s Supermarket 1026Corner 5th St. & 5th Ave.
My Belize Safe204812 7th Avenue
My Belize Guest House2047Santa Rita Road
New Town Hardware 10447th Avenue
New World Supermarket 10437th Avenue
One Stop Solutions1604One Stop Solutions
Orlando Patio Lounge1045Potzal Area
Pancho’s Drink House 10271st Avenue
Rainbow Town Supermarket1114Corner 5th Street & 4th Ave.
Savage Bites1588Corozo Street
Season Supermarket 14295th Avenue Street
Sunset View Restuarant & Bar10311st Avenue
The Mexican Corner14487th Avenue
The Mexican Taste17801st South
Unicare Pharmacy1605San Andres Road
Vintage Havana15817th Avenue
Aileen Chable DBA Juz Sunshine Mini Store2314San Narciso Village
Alfonso Shop2412Progresso Village
Arelie Vasquez DBA My Sweet Corner2345Libertad Village
Ariannie Arzu DBA Nays Mini Shop2409Patchakan Village, Corozal
Amber Gilharry DBA THE SKINCARE KID2420Chan Chen Village, Corozal
Antelma Murray DBA La Botana2421Chan Chen Village, Corozal
Bladimir Patt DBA Star Cuts Barbershop2297San Narciso Village
Bianca Correa DBA Carlos Mini Shop2318Louisville Village
David Olivarez DBA Vickys Mini Shop2375Progresso Village
Desideria Botes2316Libertad Village
Elisa Victorin DBA Elisa Shop2413Patchakan Village, Corozal
Eva Campos DBA Henry’s Store2305San Narciso Village
Wood House Bistro 10501st Avenue
Calcutta Community Supermarket1263Calcutta Village
Crabbys Hut Restaurant and Bar1290639 N Front St, Sarteneja
Daily Dose Pizzeria1554San Roman
Ding Feng Store2344San Narciso Village
Elmer Carlos DBA Blue Sky Purified Water2411Progresso Village
Ever Abdias Arias2561Paraiso Village, Corozal
Faustino Yam DBA U Ku’uchil U’uchben Maaya Ba’alo’ob2352Cristo Rey Village
Informa-T Corozal2535Xaibe Village, Corozal
J and J Family Restaurant 1264San Joaquin Village
Justo Chavez DBA El Original2355Chan Chen Village
LZ Dzigns1993Ranchito Village, Corozal
Marcos Bonilla DBA Karen’s Store2347San Narciso Village
Mejoremos Pharmacy and Clinic2497San Narciso Village, Corozal
Melicia Sutherland DBA All’s Cool Spot2348Libertad Village
Micheladas Abi 15031st North Street
Mi Compa Bar and Grill1745Ranchito Village
Mic’s Carwash2534Ranchito Village, Corozal
Mike’s Supermarket2408Patchakan Village, Corozal
Mrs. Chabb’s Printersville2488San Pedro Village, Corozal
Nimsis Internet Café2298San Narciso Village
Nina’s Selective Trends2317Louisville Village
Norma Flores2405Patchakan Village, Corozal
Norma Flores DBA Florez Accessories and More2406Patchakan Village, Corozal
Orchid Winds Restaurant2484Chunox Village, Corozal
Ramona Riobo2356Concepcion Village
Reed-Lee Sepal DBA Delmas Shop2349Libertad Village
Roni Gonzalez DBA Bel-Budgies Aviary2346Louisville Village
Risely Pena DBA Risely Shop2354Cristo Rey Village
Sal Y Limon Mexican Bistro and Day Club2296San Narciso Village
San Narciso Hai Yan Supermarket(Merchant)2315San Narciso Village, Corozal
Selenes Resort2407Progresso Village
Snobite Shaved Ice1856Copper Bank
Supreme Ice Cream2306San Narciso Village
Tec Tees2570Ranchito Village, Corozal
Tommy Store2485Cristo Rey Village, Corozal
Trade Winds Hospitality2483Chunox Village, Corozal
Value Supermarket1744San Roman Village
Village Bakery2419Chan Chen Village, Corozal
Aba Isieni Cool Spot1832Aranda Crescent
Bond with Me Collection14631581 Teddy Cas Street
Cake For You16882282 Valley Road
Champion Shine1838Dangriga
CTC Competidor Trading Center1275Commerce Street
Dev Supermarket1294Commerce Street
Digi Store – Dangriga1110Commerce Street
Dios Es Bueno Ministerios Del Reino 1545George Price Drive
Family Shopping Center1276Ecumenical Drive
Fastidious Styles1701Havana Street, Dangriga
Fi We Mart1282South Road
Gem’s Photo176432 Oak Street, Dangriga
Havana Convenience Store1686Havana Street
Hanisha1278100 Commerce Street
Hin Kee1831Commerce Street
Holiday Store1279321 Ecumenical Drive
Huang Chen Supermarket12981651 George Price Drive
Hummingbird Estate Cabanas Limited17056 Miles Stann Creek Valley Road, Dangriga
Inshop Belize1464George Price Drive
Island Breeze Bar & Grill1222St. Vincent St.
Alford Usher DBA Usher’s Taxi & Delivery’s2393Independence Village, Stann Creek District
Butterfly Pea Spa2387Independence Village, Stann Creek District
Derwin Ramclam DBA Dada Service2380Flamboyant Ave, Independence Village, Stann Creek District
Jasmin Garcia DBA Jas Delight2377Lester Richards Street, Independence Village, Stann Creek District
Karina Leiva DBA KK’s Sweet World2427Pine Street, Independence Village, Stann Creek District
Kendy Paniagua DBA MK Closet2400New Site Area, Independence Village, Stann Creek District
Leigh Usher DBA Usher’s Bike Parts2383Richards Extension, Independence Village, Stann Creek District
Maria Ogaldez DBA Mari Mars Pizza2391Independence Market Square, Independence Village, Stann Creek District
Sharon Lizama DBA Sharon’s Beauty Salon2399Fadden Avenue, Independence Village, Stann Creek Village
A & K Mini Shop139627 Dunn Street
A Carillo Fresh Fruit and Vegetables1381Lousiana Farm Road Palmar Road
Add To Cart BZ131340 Bakers St
Angelito Magana DBA Mias Shop242222 Smith Sonia Street, Orange Walk Town
A and C Store218870 San Andres Street
AGN Belize1076Royal Palm Street
Ahorra Mas Supermarket14982 Cinderella Street
Alex Pharmacy1246157 Phillip Goldson Highway
Allures Floral Design 1434137 Belize Corozal Road
American Best Variety Store 1190Cor. Queen Victoria Ave. & Cinderella St.
Anairi’s Beauty and Beyond 14334 Savanah Street
Annas Kitchen1303Belize Corozal Road
Banana Enterprises Limited Belagro Agriculture2064Orange Walk Town
Cuisine Delight2206Fort Cairns Market, Arthur Street
Davilas Clinic Ultrasound218616 Corozal Street
Doris Wellness Club2251Progress Street
Mechas Irish Cream1445Santa Martha Street
Babas1088Queen Victoria Ave.
BabyStar.Net1392Cr. Gravel Lane and Belize Corozal Road
Bangladesh Mini Mart 142814 Otro Benque Road
Barber Shop and Beauty Salon JJG1306Otro Benque Rd
Bats Landing1560Tower Hill
Belize Live News101422 Smith Sonia Street
Belize Technology and Software Systems13043 Oleander Street
Better Life Pharmacy13564 Queen Victoria Street
Beverlys Online Sales 1495San Lorenzo Housing Site
Buddha Restaurant 15357 Aurora Street
By National Treat 1024Sarstoon Street
Call Master Solutions16171089 Tower Hill
C’s Ingenious Creations13937 Progress Street
Carly’s Bakery 136925 Sarstoon Street
Clinica Dr Mesh2104Otro Benque Rd
Crafty1018Jamaica St.
Cuisine Delight2206Fort Cairns Market, Arthur Street
Curiosidades Nelvin1563Queen Victoria Avenue
Davics Meat Market 1385Belize Corozal Road
Davilas Clinic Ultrasound218616 Corozal Street
De la Fuente Pharmacy 16 Main Street143116 Main Street
De la Fuente Pharmacy Cinderella Street1627Fonseca St
D’ Flag Store1544115A Belize Corozal Road
Di Beer Stop1619Fonseca St
Dickerson Family Mart 1245Belize Corozal Road
Dickerson Supermarket1126Cinderella St.
Digi Store – Orange Walk1107Main Street
Doris Wellness Club2251Progress Street
DK 24/7 Service Station1618126 Philip Goldson Higway
Dr. Cell Phone2205Market Ext. Arthur Street
DR’s Pharmacy10191 A Santa Ana Street
Dulce’s Meat Pies143622 Smithsonia Street
Elegancia Perez 1562South Park Street
El Establo Roadside Grill1289Indian Hill Estate
El Torito Meat Shop 1394Otro Benque Road
E’s Closet by Emily Logan 13685 Banak Street
ER’s ICY Treats1668San Ignacio Street
Executive Alliance 1371Progress Street
Farmer’s Daughters2207Robin Street, Trial Farm
Focus & Tea Time1135Baker’s Street
Foodie Friday Gourmet19961693 Grouper Street
Francisco’s Mexican Stlye Tacos 1486Queen Victoria Avenue
Frozen (Orange Walk)1242Main Street
G & G Variety1620Lovers Lane
Gabys Fast Food2292Holy Trinity Street
General Health Lab1626Cinderella Street
Gillett’s Fresh and Processed Meats2253San Antonio Road
Glamour Beauty Salon225013 Democracia Street
Glamorous Divas Salon25717 BEL Street, Orange Walk Town
Gran Paints1133Queen Victoria Ave.
Gutierrez Hot Dog Trail Farm2106Trial Farm Village
Harry Shop1312Cementry Street
Hug in a Mug1116Dunn Street
Ice Break10224 Park Street
In Style Store17683 Belize Corozal Road
J & Sons Store1235San Jose Village
Javier KK Mayoreo229914B Progress Street
JDs Snack Shop1331Stadium Street
Jems Quality Imports1305San Francisco St
La Fonda Tacos219452 Cuello Street
LaDestina Travel218963 Liberty Avenue
Lala’s Imports1739Bethias Lane
Lamanai River side Retreat1023Lamanai Alley
Landy’s and Sons1068Belize Corozal Road
Lasting Impressions Designs 1367Santa Familia Street
Llany1541St. Peter Street
Lovely Classy Nails15613 San Antonio Road
Lubell’s Professional Collecting and Saving Services1617Otro Benque Road
Maria’s Bakeshop & Coffee House10747 Progress Street
Maris Store Online 149956 Main Street
Meat Up Point18097 Aurora Street
Medina’s Garage 1215Sylvestre Street
Mega Solutions (Qwik) 1127Benque Viejo St.
Mechas Irish Cream1445Santa Martha Street
Nads Mini Mart1211Barracks
Nahil Mayab Resturant1047Guadalupe St.
North Interdealz2185San Jose Village
Nubias Kitchen1628Cinderella Street
Oceans Prime1672Orange Walk Town
Orange Walk Dental Clinic21936th Street
Orange Walk Town Council2595Orange Walk Town
Osiris Refrigeration and AC Services2597San Antonio Road
Owen’s Greenhouse Escape25727 BEL Street, Orange Walk Town
Palm Island Bar & Grill2117Cor Palmar Rd & Cabbage St
Paulita’s Floral & Remembrance Services 137229 San Lorenzo Housing Site
Plum Kiss Belize1494Palmar Village
Pocket Mobile1180Progress St.
Pocket Friendly Gift Shop2190Audinett Alley
Polished To Perfection By Jessie Andrewin219562 Farm Road
Ramiros Used Tires1257Belize Corozal Road
Reyes Organic Beauty 1370Avocado Street
Ricks Block & Tile Factory1179Progress St.
Ring Store2291Liberty Avenue
Riteway103336 Main Street
Riverside Barbershop 143260 Riverside Street
Roadside Mouthful1308San Andres Street
Rustic Roof2065Naranjal Street
Sarges Barber Shop1819Cinderella Street
Shalom13572 Lovers Lane
Salutaris Plus 15042 Dunn Street
San Francisco Restaurant13105 San Fransico Street
San Isidro Construction Center2140Cor. Dunn & Jamaica St.
Shop City BZ1247San Jose Palmar
Shuga City Nutrition Outlet 1309San Andres Street
Sister’s Bakery1265Flamingo and Woodpecker St. Trial Farm
SkyPur1119Progress St.
Snow Lovers Stop Ltd1966156 Belize Corozal Road
Sound Warehouse1070Tangerine St.
Spice Bites1118Aurora Street
Star City2192Slaughterhouse Street
Sunrise Store2107Otro Benque Rd
The Agency Realty And Land Consultancy 14357 Progress Street
The Juice Bar130746 Progress Street
The Mojito Restaurant125616 Liberty Avenue
The Shopping Bag1519156 Belize Corozal Road
The Tapas Bar & Bistro1177Tower Hill Village
The Veg Shop210278 Belize Corozal Road
Thirsty Macaw2187San Andres Street
TJ Sports Bar and Karaoke21912 Bethias Lane
Typsy Lounge1447Cinderella Street
Variedades Elohim1621North Park Street
Victory Gaming & Entertainment21051B Queen Victoria Ave
V Mars Cool Spot1670San Jose Village, Orange Walk Rural
V2U Shopping Center1087Park Street
Wax BayBee Beauty Studio 1430Maskall Street
Weiner on a Bun 15202 Santa Familia Street
Wrap and Go2108Orange Walk Town
Yessi’s Cuisine232359 Sta. Familia Street
Zeta Auto Parts Ltd120964 Liberty Avenue
A. Tillett Jr. Bus Line 1615Trinidad Village
Anna’s Cool Spot2522Santa Martha Village, Orange Walk
Arqueli Medina DBA La Aya Printing Netmilo2319San Estevan Village
Arqueli Medina DBA La Aya Tire Repair Shop2320San Estevan Village
Beyond Health RX2232San Isidro Street
Call Master Solutions1617Tower Hill Village
Carmelita Supermarket1444Carmelita Village
Clinica Nueva Esperanza2252San Jose Nuevo Palmar
Coworking Enterprise1738San Lazaro Village
Doris Ramos DBA D and R Shop229534 Belizean Street, San Estevan Village, Orange Walk
D Boyz Car Wash2490Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk
El Solar2523Santa Martha Village, Orange Walk
Emgis Store2256Trial Farm Village
GMart Supermarket2376San Estevan Village
Gutierrez Hotdog Trial Farm2106Trial Farm Village
J & Sons Store1235San Jose Village
Lady Dii Wireless2254Guinea Grass Village
Laura De La Rosa DBA El Paso2517San Felipe Village, Orange Walk
Mandos Pizzeria2294Corozal Road, Trial Farm Village
Mei Shop2525Santa Martha Village, Orange Walk
Mirna Reyes DBA Mari’s Store2524Santa Martha Village, Orange Walk
North Interdealz2185San Jose Village
Paiz Construction229076 Father Franco Street, Orange Walk Town
S & S Mini Shop2321Shipyard Street
San Martin Uno Gas Station2491Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk
San Felipe Pharmacy2518San Felipe Village, Orange Walk
Sarita Blanco DBA L&E Restaurant and Cool Spot2322San Estevan Village
Shop City BZ1247Boundary Road, San Jose Palmar Village
Shipyard Glass Shop2204Camp 1
SJ Multiservice Supplies2115San Jose Village, Orange Walk Rural
Sugar City Supermarket Ltd2536Trial Farm Village, Orange Walk
V Mars Cool Spot1670San Jose Village
QBEEZ2208404 Pine Ridge Street
Yeezy Shopping1234San Jose Village
Yi Li Store1398Guinea Grass Village
Yo Creek Service Station1761Yo Creek Village
Digi Store – Orange Walk1111Lousiana Farm Palmar Road
Baby World194466 George Price Street, Punta Gorda
Bayside Buffet2370Cor Front & Church St, Punta Gorda Town
Beyonce Bar and Grill1945Eldridgeville, Eldridge
Digi Store – Punta Gorda1113King/Main St.
D Cattle Landing Palace1918Cattle Landing Village, Cattle Landing
Dr  Marenco s Private Clinic19466 George Price Street, Punta Gorda
Ephoira Faith Boutique2116762 Jose Maria Nunez Street, Punta Gorda
Festivity Party Center192563 Main Street , Punta Gorda
Garden Bites192323 King Street, Punta Gorda
Global Pharmacy and Store GPS19476 George Price Street, Punta Gorda
Graces Hotel and Restaurant1948Cor Kind and 21 Main Street, Punta Gorda
Indianville Shopping Center2227Cayo Street, Water Supply Area
Ken Lei Grocery Store2369Cor RK Pennell Blvd & OW Street, Punta Gorda Town
Leone Shop192030 Main Middle Street, Punta Gorda
Midtown Flavaz1924Main Middle Street, Punta Gorda
Migos Barber Shop1922Front Street, Punta Gorda
Ming Yang Shop191935 George Price Street, Punta Gorda
Naturally Belize Coconut Products1333Front Street, Market Unit 8 Punta Gorda Town
NJV s Pharmacy and Stationaries194948 Front Street, Punta Gorda
Party Pizza2022Jose Marina Nunez Street, Punta Gorda
Quad C Electronic Solution1542George Price Street, Punta Gorda
Raju’s Variety Store210127 Main Street, Punta Gorda
Roots Rock Reggae2100Cattle Landing
Royal Ashanti Palace192633 George Price Street, Punta Gorda
Something New Something Old237113 Main Middle Street, Punta Gorda Town
St Charles Inn195023 King Street, Punta Gorda
The Ultimate Computer Repair and Services132125 George Price Street
Tim’s Shopping Center195126 George Price, Street, Punta Gorda
Thrillz @ Haynes Beaches2428Haynes Beach, Punta Gorda Town
Val U Hardware1927Alejandor Vernon Street, Punta Gorda
Variedades Veronicas and Sons1921Main Street, Punta Gorda
Ambergris Hope’s Pharmacy1640Pescador Drive
ATR Ltd (Aji Tapa Bar & Restaurant/PUR Boutique Cabanas)1478North Ambergris Caye
Black & White Garifuna Restaurant1484Sea Grape Drive
Caye Value Store1609Laguna Drive
Cellular World (San Pedro)1351Pescador Drive
CG Esthetic 1502Angel Coral Street
D Sisters Blingz and Thingz 1733Angel Coral Street
Digi Store – San Pedro1105Pescador Drive
Enell’s Deli 12083 Miles North San Pedro
Estels Dine By The Sea 1481Buccanners Street
Grace Shrimp1908Boca Del Rio
Heart Pharmacy1132Swan Street
JK’s Kitchen 1490Seagrape Drive
Joes Meat Shop 1182Barrier Reef Drive
Ladino’s Chicken Shack 14884 Seagull Street
Lavish Habit Café 1507Boca Del Rio Beach Front
Middle Street Cuisine 1377Pescador Drive
My Little Shop 1420San Pedro Town
Midtown Coffee Bar1131Barrier Reef Drive
Nellies Baby Nest 1184Black Coral Street
Normas Deli1480Angel Coral Street
PharmaSafe2472Angel Coral Street
Pirates Pizza Ltd 151814 Wings Building
Tephany Massage Studio1730Barrier Reef Drive
The Sand Bar Limited1491Boca Del Rio
Retro Perros1799Coconut Drive
Divas and Dudes Kids Boutique1729Pescador Drive
The Belikin Store177410 Coconut Drive
28 Supermaket187364 Bullet Tree Road
Alexander Twin Town Restaurant1302Cor. Eve Street and West St
Ale’s Beach Treasures1583Savannah Area, San Ignacio Farmers Market
Ali’s Barber 14572 Guerro Street
ANL San Ignacio1062San Ignacio
B and J Grocery187456, 4th Street
Belize Fish Bowl 141315th Street
Best Bargain Pharmacy19721 Joseph Andrews Drive
Boca’s Restaurant 151736 Burns Avenue
Booze and Branches1723Branch Mouth Road
Brother’s Super Market1523124 George Price Highway
Caribe Gift and Shop1662Savannah Street
Charlove1654100 Provision Street Cerrolindo
Charmell106516 West Street
Com.Net1985Burns Avenue
Cucina 1904154024 Bullet Tree Road
D & S Family Store19833 Burns Avenue
D’Vine Cravings172550 Flamingo Avenue
Delmys Mini Shop154929 Alpha Centauri Street
Dibary Cayo193431 Burns Avenue
Digi Store – San Ignacio1109Burns Avenue
Dolled by Natalie1875Eve Street
Ebuy Belize151136 Burns Avenue
Eddie’s Art Gallery 1515Shawville
Flastronics1612Carmelita Area, Santa Familia
Forever Young Fashion198710 Burns Avenue
Gentleman’s Gym1823Eighteenth Street
Golden Cutz Barber Shop1139Maya Street
Gordos Meat Shop1134San Ignacio Market
Guru Electronics1548Savannah Street Manzanero Building
Hegar Auto Center-TL172436 Joseph Andrews Drive
Hegar’s Bio Medical Center 1412Josephs Andrews Drive
Hode’s Place1057Savannah Road
In Style by Sir James Paul172222 Bullet Tree Road
Jairo’s Pizza197426 George Price Highway
Jalapenos1788Benque Viejo Road
Juan Chuc and Sons 138031 Bullet Tree Road
KY Boyz II Men Closet1811West Street
Kontiki Cevicheria Bar 14159 Wolf Street
L’s Stop N Shop 1404Burns Avenue
Lex Barber Shop178229 Burns Avenue
Lobos Meat Shop19802 Bella Vista Street
Love Town Coffee and Boba Tea108077 Joseph Andrews Drive, San Ignacio
Mama Mia173689 Benque Viejo Road
Mi Belle Institute1404Burns Avenue
Mi Driva1404Branch Mouth Road
Midas Resort Limited1332Branch Mouth Road
Miss Ds Fast Food1952Burns Avenue
Mista Pick-Up1210Carlos Habet Layout
MLS Tavern Restaurant182299 Bullet Tree Road
Mom & Me1060Burns Avenue
Mungz Barber Shop179711 A Galvez Street
NB Creations1580Cahal Pech Area
Nice Snacks 1348Buena Vista Development
Noble Business Strategists1720Kings Street
Papa Churros15702nd Street
Pupuseria T & J 145414 B Vaca Street
Pupuseria La Exquisita 1516Savannah Area, Down Town
Paw’s Veterinary Clinic 14051 Joseph Andrews Drive
Pizza Boys Pizza 2 152426 Bullet Tree Road
Pops Resturant1073West Street
Recinos Bakery and Café165644 Joseph Andrews
Spotlight Services 138331 Joseph Andrews Drive
Summit Auto Parts 13796 Stanton Street
Summer Drink1986203 George Price Highway
Studio 7126653 Burns Avenue
The Little Gift Shop18864A Benque Viejo Road
The Corner Diner176040 Joseph Andrews Drive
The New French Bakery1763Savannah Street
Trins Restaurant and Bar17191 A Mossiah Street
Umbraland Boots19413 Aslow Lane
Vale’s Procraft Printing138242 George Price Highway
Variedades Lozano1971Burns Avenue
Venus Hotel11137Burns Avenue
Welcome Center Med Stop16107 Savannah Street
Westside Shopping Center19845 West Street
Wild Roots17516 Far West Street
Wine Smith Limited187773 Bullet Tree Road
Yolis Pizza 21148Welcome Center
ABM Sea Food1414161 George Price Highway
AgroVet Jiron and Sons Limited1938Mile 67 George Price Highway
Anthony’s Supermarket 137498 George Price Highway
ANL Santa Elena1063Santa Elena
Belizean Queen Freight Services Limited2605Loma Luz Blvd
Carillo Puerto Service Station 137880 George Price Highway
Chen’s Supermarket 1040George Price Highway
Complex Bar and Grill178316 Bradley Street
D’s Pastries19587 Cristo Rey Road
Delia’s Decorator Center146787 A George Price Highway
E and J Little Grill BBQ172640142 George Price Highway
EL ARTE2480197 George Price Highway, Santa Elena
E.R Printing & Computer Center137362 Mount Ebenezer Street
i Signature Designs194040/42 George Price Highway
Kankrete Aestetiks1536Camalote Village
La Pasadita198230 La Loma Luz Blvd
Max Services16116B George Price Highway
Navarros Butane Gas1664Star Apple Street
Project XYZ Entertainment Finesse Lounge2340189 George Price Highway, Santa Elena, Cayo
Stevens Barber Shop14551 Aguada Street
The Ceviche Bar145613 Star Apple Street
The Hive Bistro221247 Perez Street, Santa Elena
Treasure Hub 5012367San Kara Street, Santa Elena, Cayo
WL Shopping Outlet166193 George Price Highway, Santa Elena
222 Productions1707Placencia Main Road, Placencia
Ady’s Mini Shop1637Placencia Sidewalk, Placencia
Alicia’s Food Salon2332Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek Village
Angel Delights1645Placencia Village
Arrecife Handmade1693223 Caribbean Way
Ashton Shopping1698Seine Bight Village
Bad Decision2269274 Independence Ave, Independence Village
Banana Enterprises Limited Belagro2064Big Creek Independence Village
Barry’s Taxi Service2381Sundown Trail Street, Independence Village
B and G Store1293Hopkins Village
Belize Mexican Tacos1642Placencia Village
Brew Cloud Café2390Happy Ave, Independence Village
Clusterz Limited2359Independence Village
Coco Supermarket2453San Roman Village, Stann Creek District
Coconut Row Ltd1835Hopkins Village
David Cleaning Service2401Gutwill Avenue, Independence village
Devine Store1858Flamboyant Street, Independence Village
Fina’s Shop2426Alta Vista Village, Stann Creek District
Independence Lumber Yard2358335 Survivors Lane, Independence Village
Irma Barrientos DBA J&A Mini Shop2334Kendall Village, Stann Creek
Joshmar Service238521 Independence Ave, Independence Village
Jota Ka2397New Site Area, Independence Village
Ken’s Hardware 238297 Independence Ave, Independence Village
Keys’s Kitchen2378Independence Village
Mayan World Destinations Ltd2329South Stann Creek Village, Stann Creek District
Morey Delivery Service2392Lester Richards Street, Independence Village
Perez Computech Service2388Lester Richards Street, Independence Village
Steven Green DBA Runman Read2384Elm Street, Independence Village
Tienda Miss J2330Hope Creek Village, Stann Creek
TLZ Pharmacy2389Toucan Street, Independence Village
Wide Awake Café2379Big Creek Road, Independence Village
Xin Qing Superstore2454Maya Center Village, Stann Creek District
Amas Meat Shop1965Buena Vista Village
Kaal’s Shop2417San Antonio Village, Toledo District
Matildo Salama Grocery2341San Antonio Village, Toledo District